The Rise of Bullton, Giant Monster from the 4th Dimension

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(The Avengers are currently in the meeting room)

Tony: Alright Avengers, Pepper just contact me and explains that the Enchantress came into her home.

Thor: Amora.

(Thor clenched his fist)

Tony: Enchantress read her mind to know the location of my vault, which contains various Stark tech that's too dangerous or anyone to use.

Black Panther: Which means that the Masters of Evil will use it or their own evil purpose.

Tony: Right, Avengers Assemble!

(The scene cuts to the Stark Industries vault when the Masters of Evil are teleported in front of the vault door)

Baron Zemo: Stark's vault, at last.

(Moments later, the Quinjet lands as the Avengers rush their way into Stark Industries)

Iron Man: If the Masters of Evil are already inside, we need to evacuate every staff member out to safety.

Hulk: Let's smash them.

Hawkeye: It's not like they'll just pop out right in front of us.

(Moments later, magical circles appear, teleporting the Masters of Evil right in front of the Avengers)

Baron Zemo: Greetings Avengers.

Captain America: Zemo.

(Wasp glares at Hawkeye)

Wasp: You had to say it.

Iron Man: Whatever you stole from my vault, give it back.

Baron Zemo: You mean these?

(Abomination is holding two glass containment boxes, two small red and blue meteor fragments in his hands)

Ant-Man: Rocks?

Hawkeye: You're stealing rocks?

Iron Man: I sent out a probe into space and it collect them. What do you want with them?

Baron Zemo: You'll see Stark. Enchantress, you know what to do.

Enchantress: Yes.

(Abomination puts the containment boxes done)

Hawkeye: I don't like this.

(Enchantress uses her magic to break the containment boxes holding the meteor fragments as they move closely)

Baron Zemo: Witness your destruction Avengers.

(The meteor fragments merge together into Bullton, a giant meteorite-like creature)

(The meteor fragments merge together into Bullton, a giant meteorite-like creature)

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 (The Avengers are shocked)

Thor: Odin's beard!

Ant-Man: Those fragments have merged into a giant creature.

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Monster KidWhere stories live. Discover now