Chapter 2- Messages

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I stared at my phone. Specifically at the little pop-up icon that said, 4 new messages, in bold red letters. I sank into the chair, shaking from head to toe. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help it. Who else could possibly want to contact me?

I took a deep breath and hit the 'read' button. The oldest one was from my server, 'vodafone will continue to run until our last user unsubscribes' woopy. Really fab, that'll be me then I suppose?

The next one was from Vodafone again. 'You are our last user. Please accept our offer of £50 credit for your account' yay. Just yay. Note the sarcasm.

The third one would have stopped my heart if it were still beating. It was from Victoria. Victoria. 'I will get you'. Hasn't she already got me? Technically she killed me, I am dead.

The fourth one was from Victoria again. 'Meet me where we met at 2am on jan 1st'. I checked my watch. Crap! It had gone 2am already. I ran up to the baseball field, where the entire problem had started. If we'd never played baseball... I pushed away the thoughts before they could consume me.

Don't get me wrong, I was dead terrified. Not of death, or dying. Torture. Of her. But I had my own revenge to take. I needed to show her that I was her worst nightmare.

I slowed down as I neared the clearing. There she was. Her fire orange hair blew around her face, her features seemed sharp and a little exaggerated. Almost like a caricature. Her face showed the upmost loathing, fury, and, was it? Yes. Amusement.

She obviously thought I would be weak. I would show her.

"Hello my little friend, Bella Swan," she called.

"Hello Victoria, did you accomplish your mission?" I asked formally.

"Obviously not," she snorted, "If I had you would be dead. I must say I'm sorry about this. You were changed by venom, we are linked, so to speak. But I must get to Edward Cullen. You are the key."

I growled and crouched down on my hunches. Victoria adopted an equally threatening pose. I somehow knew I would die. She was the better warrior. I had never fought another vampire before. I was relying on instinct and instinct alone. She lept and I mirrored her movement. I thrust myself towards her and locked my fingers in her hair. I yanked but, of course, she felt nothing. I barred my teeth and made a lunge for her throat, to no avail.

She spun us around and grabbed my ankles. She halted abruptly and held me aloft, upside down.

"Oh dear," she crowed, "we are in a pickle aren't we?" this was followed by a menacing cackle.

She walked around a little.

"I will enjoy this Bella Swan. I will get him. He killed my mate. For you." she spat.

"Trust me, you won't enjoy it as much as I will," I hissed back.

Her eyes snapped to mine.


"I said that you won't enjoy it as much as I will," I repeated slowly.

Victoria dropped me on my head and was kneeling by my head faster than lightening. I swear, you never get used to the super speed thing.

"What. On. Earth. Do. You. Mean?" she hissed furiously in my face.

"Don't you know?" I asked. I was the amused one now.

"What?" she demanded again.

"Edward left. 200 years ago," I replied smirking.

"Because I turned you?" she asked astounded.

"No. He left earlier. That was why I was in the meadow. He said he left for my own good. 'it will be like I never existed'," I told her. Her eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out.

"He. Left? Are you joking?"

"No," I replied sourly.

"Then I assume you're on a par with me. Do you hate him for that? Obviously she does Victoria, stop being ludicrous," she muttered.

That got me. That really got me. Forget torture. Forget my novice abilities.

I slapped her. A sharp, hard, ferocious vampire slap. She grabbed my wrists in her hand.

"Ooh. You naughty girl, you really shouldn't have done hat you know," she tutted, "What will we do with you hm?"

She swung me over her head and threw my down. She was with me again in a flash. As her teeth went for my neck, the ground spun under me.

I had no idea what had happened. Only that one moment I was in her grasp, at her mercy, and the next, I was sprawled on the ground, thirty feet away from where she was now fighting. Fighting who?

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