The Age of Tony Stark: Part 1

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0=change focus to a different character
00=scene change (no matter how big or small)
F000=this means that we move back to the next avengers time.
P000= No this is not poo. it's moving back to the past.


Chapter 6: The Age of Tony Stark Part 1

Hawk perched himself on a tall building that had perfect view of Avengers Tower, keeping an eye out for the heroes. Rogue was inside the tower, stealing from Jarvis' database everything they had on the infinity stones. Of course with the advanced tech he had curtesy of Ultron, Jarvis had no idea he was doing this.

"Come on come on! Work faster," he whispered. The Avengers could be back any minute and the last thing he needed was to get caught.

"Rogue you better hurry up. You're about to have company," Hawks voice came through the com. Rogue cursed quietly in his head and hurriedly scanned the area.

"I'm almost done!" He said.


Hulk laid Tony's suit of armor down on the lab table so Jarvis could scan it. The other Avengers stood around him, Cap at his head. The arch reactor looked like it had some kind of hole or pebble in it.

"The armor is perfectly functional sir, but it doesn't recognize your specific body signature. It thinks someone else is in the armor," Jarvis informed Tony after he finished scanning.

"Who does it think I am?" Tony said, obviously very annoyed. His voice sounded...different however. "Get it off me! I'm so done with this!" Cap raised an eyebrow at this strange behavior.

"Aren't you being a little impatient?" Cap asked suspiciously.

"You get trapped in a tin can and we'll see how patient you are," Tony snapped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Hulk! Faceplate. Off. Now."

"It's gonna get crushed," Hulk warned.

"I don't care just get it off me!" Tony said, clearly miffed. Hulk shrugged and tore the faceplate off before crushing it in his hand with a satisfied smirk on his face and a laugh.

"Tony's beard!" Thor said in both awe and shock when he, as well as the others, saw Tony's face. Jarvis used a mirror to show him what he looked like.

"Worst. Day. Ever," was his response.

"It appears you have reversed age into a teenager sir," Jarvis pointed out the obvious.

"I have eyes Jarvis."

"You wanted to know why the armor didn't recognize you. It was designed for an adult Tony Stark," Jarvis' explanation was cut off when the glow in Tonys arch reactor got brighter and seemed to explode out of him. Everyone covered their eyes for protection. Once the glow faded, another surprise could be seen. Tony was even younger now.

"What's causing these shifts?" Cap wondered out loud and looked at Falcon for answers.

"His arch reactor is attached to his heart. Maybe heart rate triggers it," Falcon suggested.

"Not worried about the why guys! Worried about the how do I stop this? These time shifts have to end before I-" Tony looked in the mirror again. "Is that a zit?!"

"Every time that stone deages you the temporal waves draw in stuff from other eras," Falcon said as he looked at the screen.

"What kind of stuff?" Hawkeye asked cautiously, unsure if he wanted to know or not. A security video Jarvis had pulled up suddenly showed three Tyrannosaurus Rex's in the middle of New York chasing people.

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