Who is This Kid?

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0=change focus to a different character
00=scene change (no matter how big or small)
F000=this means that we move back to the next avengers time.
P000= No this is not poo. it's moving back to the past.


Chapter 3: Who is this kid?
Tony relaxed in his chair, using Jarvis to check some footage he had managed to capture with his armor to see if Rogue was in any of SHIELD's file. Steve wasn't that far away from him, pouring through the files himself on his Stark Tablet.
"Sir, after careful analysis I have determined that this 'Rogue' character you asked me to find is no where in the SHIELD data base," Jarvis informed Stark, who sat up in concentration.
"Yeah, I can't find him either Tony," Steve said as he turned the swivel chair to look at the billionaire. Tony remained quiet for a moment.
"Run through them again Jarvis," He told the AI. Steve sighed.
"Isn't it possible that he's new and SHIELD just hasn't heard of him yet?" He suggested.
"It's SHIELD Cap. They know about everything and have tabs on everyone across the world. It's literally impossible for them not to have heard of a kid who's smart enough to get into the tower without being detected and has the training of a soldier and spy all wrapped up in one. This is my tech we're talking about here," Tony countered, the last part showing more pride and agitation than was meant to slip out. Steve got the feeling that this was all about Tonys reputation. However, he turned back to the files anyway
Rogue slowly opened his eyes and let out a groan as pain was still evident in his back. His arm was feeling better than before though. He rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and yawned.
"How long have I been out?" He asked himself out loud. Pain shot down his spine as he stood up. His back was even stiffer that before, if that was possible. Several pops resounded from his back as he stretched. "Note to self, never sleep like that again." His stomach growled, catching his attention.
After double checking to make sure the device on his arm was still working and hidden, he exited the old building.
"DRAKOSTA, can you scan for any good restaurant around?" Rogue asked his hidden device. He remembered when he had snuck DRAKOSTA's programming into the device. Though the memory of what happened after that wasn't pleasant, he's still glad he did it.
After a few minutes of her scanning, Rogue sighed and decided to narrow it down.
"Make that cheep restaurants. Actually make it diners. Within a 10 mile radius."
Scan complete.
There are two such diners in the vicinity.
A holographic map popped up as well as directions for each.
"There that one." He chose the closest one and the directions popped up. "Transfer to data glasses."
Transfer complete.
Rogue put on his red glasses and the directions popped up there. Then he started walking, turning whenever he needed to.
Sam Wilson and Clint Barton walked into the small diner that wasn't very far from the tower, in charge of getting dinner since Hulk ate everything in their 'fridge.
"The guy's like a bottomless pit!" Sam grumbled as he flipped the page to look at the large order.
"Yeah, you get used to it... Sorta," Clint said with a shrug. Sam handed the woman behind the counter the list and they both sat at a table to wait in a sort of awkward silence.
"So..." Sam started, but got cut off by the bell above the door ringing. Rogue walked in, still in civilian clothing. He adjusted his glasses before going and sitting down not far from the two Avengers. Clint raised an eyebrow as he looked at the kid, narrowing his eyes some. Rogue didn't seem to notice him as he relayed his order to the waitress.
"Hey, you see that kid over there?" He gestured and looked out the window as if he was talking about something else to avoid suspicion. Sam glimpsed at Rogue out of the corner of his eye.
"Yeah, what about him?" he asked his fellow Avenger. Clint let his eyes wander around the room in order to look over at the boy again before he made his accusation.
"He's the same one Cap and I met at the Carnival yesterday."
"You sure?"
"Yep, same red shades and everything," Clint said with a nod. Sam frowned as he worked something out.
"And what are the odds that not even twenty four hours later, the tower gets attacked?" he pointed out
"Not very big. I thought something about that Rogue kid seemed familiar," Clint agreed as he watched said person squirm in his seat.
Rogue tried not to move around much in seat and kept his back straight. His injury was really bugging him.
"Why hasn't it kicked in yet?" He muttered after attempting not to squirm for the umpteenth time and leaned back with a sigh. He gave the waitress a fake smile when she brought him his drink, but even then he couldn't get comfortable. Finally he just gave up and sunk into his seat, letting the soar problem work itself out. Once this was accomplished, however, he had an entirely new problem on his hands. He noticed that two of the Avengers were sitting not that far away from him. Pretending to scratch his ear, he activated the com in it and amplified the signal so he could hear their conversation.
"...I thought something about that Rogue kid seemed familiar."
Crud Rogue thought as he sipped his drink.
"Why don't we find out?" Sam suggested. Clint smirked and got up, approaching Rogues table.
"Hey Rogue. It's been what? 16 hours since we last saw you?" He said, sitting down at his table. "How's that aim working for ya?" Rogue looked at Clint over his glasses and crumpled up his napkin, tossing it into a trash can a small ways away.
"Still as good as ever, and my name isn't Rogue," He caught what Clint's little trick.
"I thought that's what you said yesterday," Clint said, pretending to think.
"I never told you my name at the carnival," Rogue answered, raising an eyebrow. Clint cursed in his head that it didn't work.
"Then what is it?" Sam asked as he joined them. Rogue looked him up and down before his eyes turned to Clint again.
"Friend of yours?" He asked with a jerk of his thumb, ignoring Sam's question.
"Yeah and teammate," Clint said, already getting a little annoyed at the kids 'I don't care about anything you say' attitude.
"You didn't answer my question," Sam said, crossing his arms at being ignored.
"What is this 'grill the kid for useless information' day?" Rogue asked, crossing his arms as well, a defiant look in his otherwise emotionless eyes. Clint gave him his own look for a few minutes and then casually leaned back.
"Bet you're father is real proud of that attitude of yours," He said. Unbeknownst to him, his wording struck a nerve in the wrong place. Rogue clenched his fists and the defiance in his eyes turned into a full on glare.
Can I beat him up now??
No!...though one punch might not hurt....No! What am I saying? You'll blow cover and the mission. You cannot punch him.
The waitress brought Rogue his food in the middle of their little glaring contest.
"Excuse me," He said, breaking eye contact from Clint for a second to look at the waitress. "Can I get a box for this?" he paused to glare at Clint again. "To go?" The waitress nodded at his request, not wanting to speak while the friction was going on between them. Once the box got there Rogue got up and left the diner with his food and without speaking a word. He did leave money on the table to pay for the food though.
Clint raised an eyebrow and looked at Sam. Both gave a silent nod to show they understood each other and then began to leave themselves.
"We'll be back for our order," Sam informed the lady behind the counter as they left. Both Avengers followed Rogue at a safe distance, wanting their questions to be answered.
Tony sat back as he scratched his goatee tiredly. His stomach rumbled, making him pat it with one hand.
"Where's Falcon with that food? It's getting really hard to concentrate while my stomach is making all this noise," the billionaire complained, rubbing said growling stomach.
Steve rolled his eyes;"Did you see Hulks order? They're going to be a while." Tony sighed and sat back. Both fell into an uneasy silence, only broken by Tony's growling stomach, and Cap used whatever silence there was to let his mind wander to the strange shield he saw the kid use. The shield, the way Rogue fought, his use of strategy, it all seemed to familiar to Steve. From the minute they met Steve felt like he should know the kid. Before he had thought that he might have read something about him in the SHIELD files, but that theory got tossed away when they checked the files about seven times. So now Steve was amiss about the strange kid who had attacked him the day before. Suddenly something occurred to the Captain.
"The shield!" He said as he sat up. Tony raised an eyebrow at him.
"What shield?" He asked the star spangled confuser, his interest piqued.
"The kid, Rogue, had a shield. He used it to take me off guard before he escaped," Steve explained as he stood up and commanded, "Jarvis, bring up a picture of my shield." The AI complied immediately and a holographic shield popped up. "Now change the red to black and the blue and white with silver." Jarvis complied again. "Now take away the star and add this symbol on it." Cap held up a quick doodle of the symbol. "Color it red." When Jarvis finished satisfying the demands, Cap inspected the work.
"If the kid had a shield then why didn't he use it when Hawkeye shot his arrows at him, or when I fired my repulser. He could have blocked Widow's bullet with it and maybe even fended off Hulk. Why use it only on you?" Tony questioned Cap. "And where did he even keep it? I don't recall him having one strapped to his back like you do."
"The device on his arm. The shield came from there. It looked like a hologram, but how it felt when it collided with my chin proved it otherwise," Cap answered him, his eyes focused on the symbol on the shield.
"Okay, that's kinda cool. But where'd he even get the tech for that? Also, why use it only on you?" Tony asked again, noticing Steve's seeming fascination with the symbol. Steve narrowed his eyes in thought.
"Good questions."
Hawkeye and Falcon had been following Rogue for a while now and their efforts had finally come to rest at an abandoned old apartment building.
"Is that where he lives?" Sam wondered out loud.
"Looks like it." Clint said with a nod. Both couldn't help but frown as realization dawned on them.
"But that means..." Sam didn't even need to finish his sentence.
"Yeah," Clint said, his comment about Rogues dad and the way the kid stormed out earlier came back to mind. "Come on." He shot an arrow attached to a rope and it landed just above the window. Sam activated his wings and flew up while Hawkeye climbed. Both stopped at the window and looked inside. Rogue seemed be sitting on some dusty, old, torn up couch, slowly eating a burger. Sam made his visor zoom in on him.
"That's the same kind of burger Cap gets," he informed Hawkeye.
"That matters why?" the archer asked, confused on how that was relevant. Sam shrugged, but something told him it did.
Rogue sighed as he set the to go box down. "Great now he's depressed." he complained out loud and stretched his back for the umpteenth time.
It's better than being mister monotone
Keep talking like that kid and I'll suppress your consciousness so hard that even your thoughts can't come out let alone your petty emotions.
He could tell that this made him mad, but it also shut him up so he was okay with that.
Closing his eyes, he let out a yawn. His genes were working better now that he had something in his stomach. So now he could lean back and sleep comfortably without his back flaring up.
After another hour Falcon and Hawkeye picked up the food and headed back to the tower.
"There you are!" Tony said as they walked in. "What took you guys so long? Did Hawkeye throw one of his hissy fits?" Clint made a face; "I don't have hissy fits!" Sam stepped in front of the pouting archer.
"We saw the kid Cap and Hawkeye met at the Carnival yesterday," he informed them, catching Caps interest.
"Really? What was he doing?" Cap asked as he pulled his burger out of the large to go bag.
"Getting food and acting just as strange as before," Clint answered, giving Falcon a side glance. Falcon responded with one of his own that said 'later'.
"What's this?" Sam asked Steve as the picture of Rogues shield on his Stark Tablet caught his eye.
"It's a holographic shield Rogue had." Steve explained. Hulk grabbed a portion of his order as he looked at the shield.
"Looks puny," he commented before shoving fries into his mouth. Falcon zoomed in on the symbol, ignoring hulks comment. A look of concentration crossed his face as he looked at it.
"You to huh?" Steve asked, noting the look.
"Yeah but..."
"We know, it's weird. Neither of us can put it together either. At least not yet," Tony said. Thor took the tablet from Sam.
"I do not recognize it from any of the nine realms," Thor cut Sam off.
"So it's not Asguardian. Least we can knock that of the list of things to search," Tony said and brought up a checklist, checking off that very thing.
"Foreign Symbol, strange kid not in any SHIELD files and one question stands out above all the others," Steve said, resting his chin on his two hands as he thought.
"Who is this kid?" Black Widow voiced the question as she joined them around the food.


I'm slowly getting there ya'll. If you want to see my original authors notes, you can find them on fan fiction.net.

I'll be posting another chapter or two here. Catch ya in future updates!
~November 23, 2020~

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