And Searches Conducted

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F000=this means that we move back to the next avengers time.
P000= No this is not poo. it's moving back to the past.


Chapter 10: And Searches Conducted

Rogue slammed his fist on the table. This was bad. He didn't like Hawk except for how the mere idea of Francis having it makes James squirm. But for him to go missing for this long?Ultron really would kill him.

"Damnit Hawk! Jocasta scan again. If he doesn't show up I'll go out and look for him again," he commanded the AI. She responded quickly, beginning the scan for Hawk once more by utilizing some of the satellites she'd hacked into. His gauntlet was still a little busted, but he'd managed to fix some of the damage cause by Pym. The hologram was up but it was somewhat unstable. He'd work on it more after he found Hawk.

As he was waiting for her scan to finish, he was going through some of the data he'd collected from the tower, before the chaos of the stone happened. The Avengers didn't have much on the infinity stones, but they had enough. He already knew that they'd found the time stone after what happened before. However, the other four stones were yet to be found by them. Mind, space, power and reality were still missing. Any one of them could be a great asset to them and could be just the edge they needed to complete their mission. That is if Hawk actually came back from disappearing on him and not answering his coms.

He shook his head in annoyance and checked on the scan when he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He paused to listen for a moment, his instinct telling him that he was in danger and that something was about to happen. He picked up his helmet from its place beside him and put it on, storing away the data glasses as he did so. He was just standing up when the sound of glass breaking alerted him to the intruders as smoke began to fill the room. They'd thrown smoke grenades in. Someone was trying to make it easier on themselves. Unluckily for them, Ultron has been very thorough in preparing him for different scenarios.

As they broke in, He ran down the hall of the old building he was in, having an exit strategy. The smoke had not yet reached the room that was once an office. It had a window out to a fire escape and he went to it, but quickly hid to the side of it when he heard voices. A small peek out the window confirmed that there were men in strange yellow suits outside. There was at least 7 of them and they were all armed with what looked like tasers.

'Shit' he thought. They likely had the building surrounded. No matter, he is more than capable of fighting his way out if he had to..


Hawkeye was surprised how long the kid had slept for. He knew that AIM had gotten him with a sedative but he hadn't expected him to sleep from so early in the afternoon to 10am the next day. He did have to leave the infirmary as it got later and later at night so he gave Jarvis the order to wake him up when the kid wakes. Not once was he woken up by the AI last night. It wasn't until he was making himself some breakfast that Jarvis even said anything about him. So he decided to make breakfast for 2. He knows he's gotta be hungry after all that sleep.

"That's a lot of food to be making for just you," Pym's voice nearly made him jump and drop the pan of eggs he was currently working on.

"Jesus, where did you come from?" He asked, making the teen shrink a bit from his reaction. Clint could tell that the pipsqueak was holding back some laughter though.

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