A Real Nice Place

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Centreville is small and quiet but overall a really nice place according to their motto.
They had a small police unit consisting of Chief Cliff, and three officers working beneath him Ronnie, Mindy and Zoe.
The team was like a family as they spent most everyday working alongside each other almost 24/7.

Officer Ronnie Peterson liked the quiet and predictable life in Centreville. He'd lived here all his life, went to school here, now works here and knew what time he always got up and went home every day. It was repetitive sure but safe and secure. Sometimes maybe he indulged in daydreaming of what his life could be if he was one to take chances. If he moved away after his parents did or tried a different job or paddled into the world of romance. Ronnie was 30 now and had only had one serious relationship with a high school sweetheart who also left to find bigger and better things. He'd tried once or twice to do casual hookups but Centreville was not a place with many young singles like himself.

It was a Monday morning like any other Ronnie walked into the station at 6 am and went to the break room for his coffee which again was already made and on the table set out for him. "Morning' Ronnie" Zoe beamed from behind her own cup. Zoe was Ronnie's best friend had been for next to four years when they both joined the force together. They'd been in the same class in school but never interacted till they became rookies together. Sure Ronnie noticed her pretty face and an adorable smile that made him every time without fail but they got on so well, with the same awkwardness and sense of humour, he never wanted to complicate things always saying maybe one day and he had all the time in the world to settle down but sometimes he couldn't help to flirt with her but she seemed to take it as politeness and friendly.
"Morning Angel, sleep well?" He smiled as he joined her. "The usual couldn't sleep and didn't wanna get out of bed but here I am" she smiled "well I'm great full for that" he replied automatically before catching himself. "You are ?" She asked whilst lifting her cup back to her face to hide her blush. "Erm yeh well of course I am, I mean you can't leave me alone with Mindy and Cliff all day now" he nervously giggled joining her in lifting the cup to hide his face and ears turning a rosy colour. "Oh right, yeh I wouldn't do that to you" both of them not just giggling from behind coffee cups.

The moment was interpreted by Mindy walking in like a tornado slamming her rucksack down and running to the coffee machine "IM HERE, IM HERE" she chanted out of breath, "I slept in" she exhaled trying to catch her breath from running. "Whoopee" Zoe whispered just loud enough for Ronnie to hear and snort some of his coffee trying to hold back a laugh. Mindy looked over daggers at them "oh god yeh sorry about that must have gone down wrong, I've told you before this is why you need a car Mindy you live at the other side of town" Ronnie tried to save the situation whilst coughing and wiping the splattered drops from the table. "What like yours?" Mindy replied rolling her eyes and turning to the coffee machine. "What's wrong with mine ? It's reliable, economic". "But have you seen it Ronnie !? It looks like a matchbox, I'd rather walk" she huffed. Ronnie felt embarrassed and let his head flop a bit lower. "Well I like it" he heard from beside him making him look quickly up at Zoe who looked like she was seconds away from leaping over the table. It was no secret that her and Mindy clashed. "You're just saying that cos it's him" Mandy retorted. "Kind of but as he said it's reliable and economical and he's never running in like there's a tornado up his ass cos he's late" Zoe smirked sipping her coffee as Ronnie tried to hold back a laugh. "Whatever," Mindy said grabbing her coffee "well if I'm ever in need of help I'm calling him as I'm screwed by the time you can run to me" Ronnie broke and let out a high pitched giggle. Mindy just rolled her eyes. Before anyone could say anything else the chief walked in with assignments for the day explaining Mindy and Zoe were going to be in the office on standby and watching the holding cells whilst he and Ronnie had to go into the woods to investigate reports of a homeless man making camp there.

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