This isn't going to End Well ...

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Her eyes how had he only just noticed how beautiful they were. He thinks he has just he used to beat any of those feelings off but a bat as soon as they arrived he was a gentleman he couldn't.
He wonders how's she'd taste, all of her. Her lips, her perfume, her skin and places he could only imagine and imagine he was as perfect as her he thought. Her voice was always soo soothing to him in all the time he'd known her he could listen to her talk all day, he wonders then how'd she'd sound-making pretty sounds of pleasure because of him, just for him.
Ronnie woke with a start out of breath and sweaty. He reached over to his phone cursing as he went to see Cliff was calling.
"Chief?" He answered voice still croaky and low from sleep.
"Meet me at the Diner"
Cliff said on the other side so quickly Ronnie almost missed it. "Erm sure isn't it a bit early for the morning diner run ?" He heard Cliff exhale loud on the phone "somethings happened to be there as soon as you can I'm setting off now I've called Zoe to watch the station" Ronnie felt a lump
In his throat when Cliff mentioned her feeling guilty about the dream he was soo enjoying before this call.
"Sure" he manages to say through his dry throat and the line goes dead. Ronnie had to catch his breath what the fuck was happening to him. He was also now very aware of another problem from the dream a very hard and aching one. This was not going to end well he thought.

He speeds up to the Diner just past 6:30 he probably was guilty of speeding but after having to have an ice-cold shower before he set off, he thought the better option to get rid of his hard problem then indulging himself when there was some kind ...

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He speeds up to the Diner just past 6:30 he probably was guilty of speeding but after having to have an ice-cold shower before he set off, he thought the better option to get rid of his hard problem then indulging himself when there was some kind of emergency. He could see Cliff and Hank stood outside looking ghostly white.
He walked over to them as they both gave him a solemn smile then nodded to the entrance of the diner he took that as them telling him to go have a look for himself.
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw Verne and Lilly dead and disembowelled on the floor a scene soo gory it could only have been taken out of one of the horror movies he and Zoe had watched. Fuck! He thought to himself he's stood in a crime scene with two people he knew decaying on the floor and she still came up. Maybe his old way of pushing out any thoughts was better cos now he'd let a couple through there was no stopping them anymore.
After a second he came back to reality and the smell of blood and stale coffee got to him and he slowly made he was back out to Cliff and Hank.
"Jesus Christ" was all he managed to let out as they both nodded.
"What was is a wild animal? Several wild animals?". "That's exactly what I said!" Hank told him as Mindy arrived at the scene and did the same as Ronnie had slowly going up the stairs and in then returning looking as white as a sheet.
Her eyes were red and her breathing became rapid "do you need me here" she managed to squeak obviously trying to hold back tears. "Maybe you could do crowd control" Cliff pointed to the few locals who had gathered and were weeping in the car park. Centreville was a very tight-knit community and most people knew everyone it was no surprise news of the murder had spread already. She nodded and started ushering people away before breaking off to throw up near Ronnies parked car. He silenced a complaint thinking now was not the time and people deal with death in their own way and then cursing himself that he did have some restraint why not on other things.
"So what are you thinking?" Cliff turned to Ronnie when Hank left.
"Honestly?" Ronnie sighed "I'm thinking zombies... you know ghouls the undead" Cliff looked at him like he'd grown another head and in a way that would have probably been less of a shock then what he was saying. "You think zombies did this!?". "Yup" was all Ronnie answered.

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