Bucket list...

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Ronnie very rarely acted on impulse he was calm and calculated always had been but honestly, he was now thinking whats is he have to lose it was probably the end of the word and all. What's the worst thing that could happen?. So when Cliff walked off with Mindy and Zoe had wandered of he called his instinct and the pull he felt and went looking for Zoe.

 He found her at her desk sat on her chair slightly rocking side to side on her desk chair looking down at a scrap of paper

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He found her at her desk sat on her chair slightly rocking side to side on her desk chair looking down at a scrap of paper. He slowly walked up to her like he was trying not to startle an animal he then noticed he was still holding the machete so he placed it down on the desk quiet as he couched informs of her and put a hand on her knee. She jumped at the contact like she didn't realise he was there till then she looked at his with her big green eyes slightly bloodshot. "Hey" Ronnie almost whispered smiling at her trying to comfort her this was not something he was used to so he was just going with it. "Hi" she smiled lightly back her voice barely a whisper. "Whatcha got there?" He looked down at the paper as the flipped it back to place it on her chest. He stopped and looked at her "Woah okay then keep your secrets" he squinted his eyes to give her a suspicious glance whilst still smirking. She let out a giggle "don't make me laugh it's the end of the world" she smiled calming down a bit which Ronnie was relieved to see this was working. "Why the fuck not it's the end of the world" he laughed edging a bit closer to her putting his other hand on her other knee to balance his awkward squat and she flinched again her legs tensing together, her face went red as she failed to hide her reaction Ronnie's touch and prayed he didn't notice, He did.
Ronnie noticed and his mind was running at 100 times an hour did she want him? Or did he just startle her? But surely she saw him and why would she put her legs together. He kept his composure and kept smiling at her. "So what is it a hit list... am I on it!?" He tried to grab the paper as she outstretched her arm to keep him from getting it. "No! Ronnie stop" she laughed. "I'm bigger then you this won't end well!" He laughed as he grabbed her wrist pushing him away and leaning forward his chest almost touching hers and easily grabbed the paper she had at her full arm's length.
He read the list out loud:

*travel more
*Get a pet
*write a book
*learn to play an instrument
*get a piercing
*stop being a pussy (you know what)
He dropped to his knees between her legs his squat failing mid wrestle. "What is this Zoe" he smiled. "Don't laugh at me" she blushed he smiled up at her flushed face noticing how cute her dimples were and how pretty she was. "Never Angel" her face dropped and her breath hitched abs she cleared her throat and continued to smile as nothing had happened but now Ronnie had defiantly noticed. "It's my bucket list," she said as she hid her face in her hands. "Oh, that's one of those things to do before you die things right?" He said pushing his glasses up his nose reading the list again. "Something like that" she smiled leaning over him to read it too.
"It's not very long..." he looked up at her. "Well I wanted to keep it reasonable, I mean I have to have a chance don't I?" She giggled back. "So how's it gone how many of these did you do?". "Erm one maybe,kinda" she hid her face again, Ronnie took her hands in his pulling them away from her face "no,no don't hide" he laughed "well what's this last one don't be a pussy ?" What does that mean you don't look like a cat to me" he grinned mischievously. She pushed his shoulder playfully "oh shut up" she giggled "it's more of a pep talk to myself I'm a boring person I don't take risks it's a don't hold back message" she smiled. "Somethings been holding you back?" He looked up at her seriously. "Well I guess in somethings like I can't just go travel I have everything here I'd miss here" she smiled taking the list back and putting it in her draw. "Oh yeh,yeh of course, of course" he nodded. "So what about you?" She asked. He smiled up at her and let out a little giggle "me what ?". "Well it's the end of the world what would you wanna do" he giggles down to the floor also noting how natural and nice this convocation was he could almost forget the dead walking around outside just waiting to attack. "Oh you don't wanna know mine" he smiled. She reached out to his shoulders making his attention snap back to her "no no I do i do" she smiled "is this you not being a pussy?" He smiled. "Kinda" she shrugged her arms still on his shoulders. "Well that's one of yours ticked already" he decided to be a bit braver as his body was screaming for her she was soo close it's literally the end of the world just fucking do it!. "Well we can try make one of yours if you tell me, that is if it's something in this station" . "Oh I dunno" he was nervous trying to hold himself back but got a little braver sliding his hands further up her leg going from her knees to her thigh. She snapped her attention to his hands making note of how they covered her whole thigh. He was also looking at his hands and as he looked back up at her he was making a note of all of her reactions trying to find any inkling she wasn't thinking the same he was because he didn't know if that was worse he could have had her abs he had to wait till they were literally about to die to act on it. What did being a gentleman get him anyway?. "Well maybe I'll take one from your list cos I'm struggling to think," he said quietly. Her green eyes met his noting how close he was to her and even on his knees, he matched her sitting height. "And what's that?" She struggled to get out her throat feeling incredibly dry and he breath failing to come to her anymore. "To not be a pussy" he said quietly smirking slightly before edging closer to her. His well-defined nose was not touching hers and she was frozen thinking the slightest movement would knock her out of this daydream, that's what it had to be and it matched to so many she'd had like this before well maybe not the zombies outside but close enough right?. "Zoe..." all she could do was nod slightly in response pretty much nuzzling her nose to his. "I'm really holding back here, I need you to tell me you want this" her eyes shot to his she wanted to reply and scream yes yes yes but her body wasn't responding. He nuzzled more into her still a hair away from her lips not breaking the distance "I've tried to be a gentleman and push this away but fuck princess I'm one word away from taking you on this desk right now" he said in a growl that set her on fire. "Ronnie" she managed to squeak to be honest she was failing to remember anything but his name and he hadn't even touched her yet. "Are you gonna be good for me princess? Daddy will protect you... you can say no and I'll stop right now." She was about to open her mouth again when he spoke again in a whisper she almost didn't hear "but if your mine I'll help tick a few things of my own bucket list don't think I didn't notice your noise when I picked up that machete I thought it was you scared but I'm starting to think otherwise" she let out a whimper she couldn't help it and her eyes darted to the weapon then back to him. "Bad girl" he chuckled he moved his head from her nose to her ear "is this what you want angel words" she growled "yes". "How long have you wanted this?" She failed to answer quick enough as he bit her ear earning a Yelp from
Her "soo long Ronnie god!" He chuckled in her ear then brought his face back to hers "then angel... Don't be a pussy" he winked at as he grabbed her chin and pulled her forward to him closing all distance and their lips finally touching. In seconds Ronnies tongue was in her mouth savouring every inch of her. She moaned into his mouth as his lips silenced her and moved his hand from her jaw to her throat and squeezed. "Fuck princess" he moaned I've been thinking about doing that for a while wanted to know how you tasted and sounded" he kissed her urgently again brining his last hand on her thigh ever so close to the waistline of her pants. She squeaked into his mouth and grabbed his hair getting braver trying to eliminate any space between them. "Just as fucking pretty as I imagined ,want you to make those noises" he was spouting none since losing his resolve and if it wasn't for the sudden noise of the break room door opening he probably wouldn't have thrown her over his shoulder. The door opened and they broke apart Ronnie standing and turning away to hide any clear signs of what was going on and how flustered he now was. "The undertakers outside you two should come to see," Cliff said. They both followed Cliff to the front door where they could see Zelda through the window taking out numerous zombies with ease with a samurai sword. Ronnie had conveniently stood behind Zoe to hide whilst he calmed down. "Wow she's really good" Zoe gasped looking at cliff and Mindy and cliff nodded. "Shes strange" Mindy added. "Shes Scottish" Cliff clarified. "Shes Scottish!?" Ronnie questioned. Zelda had finally taken out most of the nearest zombies and was now walking up to the door. "Well let's let her in" Cliff announced.

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