Yes, Officer (NSFW)

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"Soo not alone..."

Ronnie sighed after a long period of silence.

Zoe looked over at Ronnie, he was staring into space not looking like he was fully there.

It's amazing how isolation makes normal things, such as there being other human beings so intimidating and ...weird?.

"Yup," Zoe replied popping the P.

"They're coming here do you think it's safe? I mean so far we've been doing pretty good but won't more people draw more attention to our location? We've been doing too well I don't want to jinx anything and maybe we are better off alone?" Zoe rambled.

Ronnie turned and met her worried eyes, he could see where she was coming from more people meant more mouths to feed and possibly more volume and he knew first-hand from his work as an officer that not everyone got along quite so well but then again he didn't imagine they would be granted the privilege of getting along with people for friendships when this was a life or death situation.

"They need our help and maybe there is strength in numbers, anyway it's only right that's what we do right? Protect and serve" Ronnie gave her a small smile.

Zoe had to giggle again a talent only Ronnie could possess, making her laugh in the direst of circumstances.

"Does our Officer status stand when there is an apocalypse?" she smiled.

"I don't know but who's going to argue with us?" He smirked.

She hit his arm playfully as he acted wounded.
"We're the only police officers in the town now angel but I can still have you arrested" he pointed laughing.

She raised her eyebrows suggestively another talent Ronnie could make her heart swell and her skin and grow hot with only a couple of words.

"Now come on ruffian the Sun is going down we need to get inside".

He stood and held his hand out for her to take.

She grabbed his hand and hauled herself up as they both went back into the room making sure to do the usual double-checking all the doors locks and the fence.

Zoe went and sat on the bed as usual but Ronnie didn't join her, they would always sit on the bed together since they got in this room no matter what as it was the comfiest spot and they spent many hours cuddled up there together but when she turned around she saw him reclined in the small armchair staring at her she was confused but also intimidated as he was looking at her with a look she couldn't quite place.

"Whatcha doing over there officer?" she asked playfully noticing his eye twitch on the last word.

He stayed silent still staring at her with that darkness and he didn't respond, she began to get more nervous and she didn't know if it was a good way.


still nothing.

"Ronnie you're scaring me please talk to me" she tried to sound firm but her voice gave away a quiver which told him she was indeed nervous.

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