Star wars

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Zelda walked through the door as Zoe bolted it shut behind her she addressed all of them by their full names. "So what's your plan Chief Cliff Robertson" she smiled maintaining full eye contact. "Well, I guess we need to do what we do best and serve and protect the community so we should go patrol to see if anyone out there needs are help" he replied solemnly. "I can keep watch here if you'd like" she quickly replied. "Can you work the computer?" he said glancing over his shoulder to the main desk and computer system. "Oh aye, not a problem" she replied. Ronnie, Mindy and Zoe all glanced at each other worryingly, a civilian on the police computer just didn't sit right with any of them. "Well, I guess we should head out there and try to find some survivors" Zoe sighed as she headed towards the door before Ronnie stepped in front of her to open it. "Excuse me Officer Ronald Peterson" Zelda cut in. "May I request the use of your own personal vehicle?". Ronnie's face dropped, he may sound selfish but he loved his car and didn't like the idea of giving it away. "Oh erm I dunno..." Ronnie looked around at everyone as if to look for some support. Zoe took his arm as Cliff replied: "come on she needs a safe way to travel and you won't need it we have to patrol car". Ronnie pouted and exhaled loudly in defeat. "Sure" he sighed reaching into his pocket pulling out his keys, he started to hand them over before flinching them back and fiddling with them removing a key ring and then handing them to Zelda. Everyone looked at him and then to the keychain he had saved. Hanging from Ronnie's finger was a silver space ship. Cliff and Mindy shrugged it off as Ronnie being a Nerd and wanting to keep his property but Zoe's eyes widened recognising the keychain instantly. She had bought it for him after their first movie night after they both became officers watching StarWars it was shortly after his Birthday. She never realised he kept it. "Ah, StarWars excellent fiction" Zelda smiled as he slipped it into his breast pocket and continuing to unlock the door glancing at Zoe who was staring at him wide eyes and smiling at her.
They all grabbed a weapon then made towards the patrol car locking Zelda in the station.
Ronnie and Cliff were in the front of the car and Mindy and Zoe in the back Mindy clutching a shotgun and Zoey an axe. As they drove through the streets Cliff and Mindy started to point out people they knew and places. Mindy was progressively getting more upset as Zoe zoned out staring out the window at the nightmare she was now in. she flinched when she went something touch her knee. Looking down she noticed Ronnie had slid his arm back from his seat closest to the door and was running his hand up and down her leg soothingly where no one could see. She scooted forward gripping his arm hiding it from Mindy's view and also just wanting to hold him as long as she could. He occasionally through the drive looked back at her smiling.
Before suddenly Ronnie pulled his arm away and asked Cliff to slow down. He leant forward hanging half his body out of the window and effortlessly separated a nearby zombie's head from his shoulders with a grunt before getting back in and winking at Zoe who tried to hide her smirk at him clearly trying to show off.

After a minute of driving through the packed streets with zombies all around shuffling a sudden jolt shook them all as they hit one

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After a minute of driving through the packed streets with zombies all around shuffling a sudden jolt shook them all as they hit one. Cliff had clearly seen and disregarded avoiding it as they were already dead. Mindy started tearing up and hyperventilating "did you really have to do that?" She sobbed making Cliff shrug and apologise as Ronnie sighed getting slowly sick of her freaking out, they were all in this scary situation screaming and crying was wasting energy and helping no one.
To distract herself from the hysterical woman beside her Zoey decided to try herself at showing off leaning forward again so her head was just behind Ronnie's. To anyone else she looked like she was simply leaning forward to look out the window, not that she thought anyone's attention was anywhere but watching the walking dead outside. Zoe was also questioning herself on how calm she was about all this but she assumed she was just trying to keep sane and calm for her own well-being. She slowly reached her arm around Ronnie's seat carefully to not reach around to far and started to rub his thigh. Ronnie flinched slightly before turning and seeing her eyes. His breath hitched as he tried to keep his face straight and retain all noises. She grazed his crotch slightly feeling he was still semi-hard. He audible gasped and quickly adjusted in his seat subtly grabbing her hand and lacing his fingers with hers and squeezing. "Brat" he whispered over a cough just loud enough for Zoe to hear it and let out a brief laugh.
They pulled up to the motel where Cliff and Ronnie said they warned people earlier to see if anyone was around and Alive. They pushed the door to the room and unfortunately, it started to open with little effort "Jesus" Cliff sighed. "Good God!" Mindy cried "yuck" Ronnie added making Mindy give him daggers. "They haven't turned?" Zoe noted as Ronnie walked in and then raised his machete and started decapitating the three youths. On the last girl, Ronnie took a more violent swing resulting in Mindy getting splashed with blood. "Did you have to do that!!" She almost screamed, "they weren't zombies! They were just dead people!". "They would turn Mindy, he had to!" Zoe argued as Ronnie wandered out holding the girls head by her hair resulting in Mindy breaking down crying into cliffs chest. "Seriously" Zoe sighed "what?" Ronnie asked back innocently as tossed the head back into the room.
They all returned to The car writing it as a failed job at finding survivors. They started driving again Cliff also hitting as many walkers as he could on the way.
Zoe noted that Mindy was getting more and more upset and worried for her sanity but this was no time. They had to find any survivors and then get to safety. Ronnie started thinking about the whole ordeal when he too noted how stressed Mindy was becoming It wasn't that he wasn't sensitive to the whole thing he was scared but his body had put him to disassociate so he could focus more whilst keeping calm and that if he panicked it could possibly be the end as he could get sloppy. He also thought to his decision to finally make a move on Zoe. It seemed she had returned the feelings which were a kick in the teeth as that meant they could've lived a happy life before this together, at first it was so he would have no regrets and they do things he wanted to do before he maybe ended up dead and shuffling around like the rest of them. He thought it was a good idea to shoot his shot before he didn't have a chance anymore as all the time he'd known her his reasoning to being A gentleman and pushing those feelings aside was always that they had the rest of their lives and then it didn't feel like the right time but now he's thinking when is? but now he was thinking maybe it was a mistake not on the terms that he regretted it because he didn't but on the terms that he now was scared to die he had something to live for in a time that seemed honestly impossible to live through.
They were coming up onto the cemetery where they had previously agreed to meet Zelda after their patrol when the car came to a slow stop on the wheel started spinning. With a mixture of the noise from the wheels and the lights on top of the car the zombie started to close in and before long a small group had gathered around the car and were banging on the windows. Cliff continued to try and move the car resulting in the wheels are spinning and very little movement. "I think it's stuck on something" he started. "Ronnie you wanna check?" he asked looking all around as he noted they were now surrounded. "I'd rather not" he replied also looking around for a break in the zombies but from what he could see they were in the middle of a swarm. "We're trapped" Zoe squeaked. "Why did you have to run them over Cliff now we're stuck!" Mindy cried. "I told you this wasn't going to end well" Ronnie sighed. "Shut up Ronnie!" Cliff snapped which seemed to break Mindy too as she started hysterically crying, rocking and chanting "don't shout" over and over like a prayer.
They all took a minute to breathe which was unfortunately cut short by Mindy again but with a blood-curdling scream. Ronnie covered his ears before turning around in his seat to look at her, she had her hand on the window as she started crying again. "That's my grandmother" she wailed. Zoe didn't like the way she noticed Mindy's other arm reaching towards the handle. "I can't do this anymore" she cried and then quickly opened the door and pushed it open "noo!" Zoe shouted as she tried to grab Mindys arm "shit!" Ronnie shouted nearly launching himself into the back to try and shut the door as Mindy disappeared into the crowd but arms and faces started to try to get in. "Shut the door!" Cliff shouted as Zoe was using all her strength to try to pull the door back but one zombie's arm was in the way reaching in and then it grabbed hers and started to pull her out too. Zoe screamed as she kept trying to free herself and close the door before the door suddenly slammed shut. She looked down at her arm which was still being held by an arm with no body attached. She looked over at Ronnie who's machete was near the door and he was breathing heavily. "Thanks" she panted whilst trying to catch her breath too. Ronnie pressed the lock button as all the doors locked "don't open the door" he sighed wiping his forehead "I don't plan on it" she retorted.

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