Doctors and Nurses (NSFW)

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To say the day before she'd been in a nightmare of which she is still living Zoe couldn't remember the last time she got such a good night sleep. 

She opened her eyes and rolled over to look where Ronnie should have been only to be greeted by empty sheets. She shot up looking around the room for him and he was nowhere to be found.
She moved the sheets back to get out of bed when she looked down at the sheet, Blood!.
Not an incredible amount but still a sizeable stain. Her feet had just hit the ground when she heard something drop in the bathroom making her jump. Did something happen had he got hurt and she didn't know it?. She prayed to anything she could think of that whatever was in the bathroom was alive.
"Shit!" She heard Ronnie's voice hiss, yep still alive then. She threw Ronnie's shirt on and made towards the bathroom.

She opened the door to see him trying to bandage his right arm with his left one using the mirror as a visual aid and it was clearly not going well as most of the first aid kit was in the sink.
"Need help?" Zoey slid in the door as he spun around clearly not hearing her wake up. "Did I wake you ?" He asked almost looking upset at the idea he had.

"No but you scared me I thought you'd run off, or worse" Zoey smiled as she leant against the wall. Ronnie walked towards her and lifted his hand to her and gently cupped her cheek. "I'm here don't worry, in pieces but still kicking" he winked as he returned to dressing his arm. Zoe giggled slightly watching the usually so confident and calm man try to dress his own arm like a child making an art project, Messily.

"I think the bandage works better when its actually on the cut" she giggled making Ronnie turn to give her daggers trying to hide his own smirk. "You did this to me, you don't get to critique!" he laughed pointing at her with a roll of bandage. "I saved your life" Zoe faked a gasp. "Just about" Ronnie winked back returning to his arm. 

"I woke up with it bleeding I'm trying to cover it, I don't want the smell to attract them," he said matter of factly.

"They can do that!?" Zoe couldn't say she knew anything about Zombies, to be honest, the bare concept of them was fiction till less than 24 hours ago. "I Don't know! I Don't Know the Limit of their Power!". Zoe shook her head with a smile and reached for Ronnie. "Here, let me help we may need to ration the first aid supplies and your wasting them" she giggled as Ronnie let her unwrap his work. 

The cut itself was about four inches long along his arm and thankfully not that deep it was bleeding slowly so it was probably stopping from what she'd seen on the bed despite Ronnies work. Only a little bit of the bandage had blood on it so she snipped of that part and tossed it and gathered up the rest to try to save some. "This is gonna sting," she said sympathetically as she drew closer with some antibacterial gel. "It hurt getting this surely it can't be that Badddddd!!!!" Ronnie hissed as Zoe wiped the wound cutting him off.

 She finished off by adding a gauze and lightly wrapping it. "It needs to breathe to heal but that should do it" she smiled up at him and noticed his face was anything but smiling. 

Ronnie didn't know what was wrong with him seeing her being so attentive to him just stirred something up in him and he had been staring at her work feeling a familiar twitch in his lower abdomen.
"You know I never thanked you for saving me" Ronnie purred still keeping his intense eye contact. "Well you saved twice" Zoe countered. Ronnie didn't seem to hear her as he continued " you're such a good girl though aren't you so good for daddy" OH  Zoe thought, this is where it's going. "I, erm, I guess" she was trying to piece together some form of a sentence.

 "But daddy has to be firm princess" his voice was getting lower with each word as he leant forward and started nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. "What?" she squeaked. "Be the good girl I know you are and go back to the bed for me and wait for me, show Daddy how good you can be". Zoe backed away keeping her eyes on him she turned to the bed when she entered the main room and crawled up onto the bed and sat on her knees in the centre.
Ronnie followed after a second walking into the room and looking around for something. "Close your eyes for me" he smiled she was quick to comply but her heart rate was through the roof and her body was aflame with goosebumps.

Heart of Centrevilleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن