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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

We both let go at the same time looking away, "W-What? O-Of course not." I said as I looked at Jimmy hoping he could back me up on this. "Of course we aren't, I held her hand because she was going to get lost." He said putting his hands in his pockets looking over to Sonoko.

"Sure whatever you say, Brat." She said smirking before turning to Mouri-san. When I heard him say that, my heart hurt for a second...but I didn't know if it was true or not so I decided to not assume. By the end of the day, we had bought our presents as we arrived back at the car. We place our bags inside the car's trunk as I go over to the back seats.

I go inside as I sit in the seat by the window, I look out the window as everyone else gets inside the car. We begin to soon drive away from the mall, I notice how dark it was becoming as I laid my head on my hand. My eyes looking out the window of the car, back at the mall when Jimmy let go of my hand. I felt cold and lonely, though...I do wish he could hold my hand like that all the time.

It felt nice to hold hands with the guy I like, I mean...I have a 50% chance I can hold it more in the future if Jimmy accepts my feelings. Hopefully, today's events meant he liked me and it wasn't just for being nice. I smiled gently as I look at my hand before closing it as I settle down and relax a bit. Let's just say that today's events made my entire year.

If there's ever a next time, I will be the one to reach out for his hand.


"Project 001 has been stabilized." A man in a white hazmat suit exclaimed as the rest of the workers looked down at the Project. The man in the hazmat suit looked over to the glassed wall where his boss was watching the situation. He grabbed a walkie-talkie from his side as he pressed the talk button.

"Sir, Project 001 is ready." The man behind the glassed wall smirked as he chuckled. He turned to the man with glasses before making a nod. "Wake it up. I want it to know what is happening. Give it a fake background and tell it about Ms. L/n." The man said smirking at the man with glasses. The man with glasses bowed respectfully before the man in the black suit started leaving.

"Of course, Mr.Ender." The man with glasses said as Mr. Ender left the room smirking. He walked down his long empty hallway before turning to a specific scientific room. As he did, he came into view with the man he has been working with. "Mr. L/n, Project 001 has started awakening." The man with H/c turned in Mr. Ender's direction before he smirked.

"So, it's finally time for this to begin?" Mr. L/n said smirking as Mr. Ender nodded before walking to a seat by the metal table in the middle of the room. Both of the men sat in their seats before the big displaced screen turned on. A man on the other side sat professionally.

He crossed his arms in front of him staring down the two gentlemen. "How is Project 001?" He asked with a dark tone, well that was his normal voice. His normal resting face showed as his dark eyes seemed to glow just a bit. Mr. Ender smirked upon that question, "It has finally awoken, it is getting prepared currently as we speak." The man on the screen seemed to be smiling a little bit. 

They had soft eyes for a few seconds before returning to their normal state, of course, Mr. Ender and Mr. L/N could not tell because of his shades. "Well done, after it is fully prepared send it to its location and begin the plan." The man smirked evilly before the two small businessmen nodded before standing and bowing. 

The man on the screen disappeared as the screen shut off. The two men chuckled a bit before turning to each other and extending hands. They shook their hands together, "It's been a pleasure working with you." Mr. Ender said smiling as Mr. L/n smirked and nodded. "As well as it's been, thank you for this opportunity." He said as Mr. Ender smiled before turning and leaving. 

Mr. L/n bowed and waited until he left the room completely out of sight. Before he could do anything, he started giggling silently, before turning into a chuckle and finally into a sociopathic laugh. He was driven to the insane path, he had lost his sanity a long time ago. Though he never showed it, he turned to the desk full of papers. 

He ran over and then pushed them off, he laughed out loud like a maniac letting it all out, "Oh how good it feels! The ability to be able to do anything!" He yelled out excitedly as he stopped and then gazed over at a picture on his desk. He walked over with a stone face before grabbing it into his hands and looking it over.

He smiled crazily as he said, "Oh, how beautiful it is to see my daughter get destroyed." He said chuckling evilly looking at his daughter in the picture with his 'wife.' He grabbed the walkie-talkie out of his pocket before pressing onto a button and saying. Though his thoughts were running wide, all he wanted to do was rip out the flesh.

Not his flesh but the flesh of his own daughter, he wanted to hear her cry out in pain and to her suffer. After everything she did to him and his wife, she deserved it. At least that's what the man thought, he wanted nothing but to see Y/n dead

"Project 001, it's named will be Chiyo." 


Hey! Hey! Heyyy! How is everybody? Sorry for the long wait and sorry the chapter is a bit shorter than usual, I know I didn't upload in a while but I have news to share with everyone! 

I have three dogs, two boys, and one girl. One of the males is a boxer and his name is Roscoe. The other male is a german shepherd and his name is Rocky. The female is named Daisy, and she's also a german shepherd. 

Recently, well more like last year but anyways, Daisy has been seeming larger than usual. Which basically means that she's pregnant! The father is Roscoe the Boxer and Rocky is going to be an Uncle or how we say it here in my household, Tio. 

I have been trying to take care of her and pay more attention to her, I am trying to gain experience for maybe future things. Well, I am not going to overwhelm her or make her uncomfortable. Where I live, it's been extremely windy, and lately, one of my fences outside in my backyard broke and fell.

I had to help my dad fix it because my brother doesn't want to do the hard work. My dad and I are planning to make Daisy her own little house for her babies and for when she goes into labor. If we leave her out with the other dogs they may hurt her which could lead to killing her babies. 

Plus! Yesterday, I finished my Term 2 finals. Next week on Tuesday, 19 I will be beginning a new Term. So I will be using my weekend to try and update, whether it is not posting or posting. I will be writing chapters. Also, I want to thank you for your support and love recently. 

You guys are amazing, Thank you so much. 

I don't have much to say but also, I would like to know if you guys want a second book to be confirmed? Because like I said a few chapters back, I have a huge plot planned and it's amazing. 

Anyways, Thank you for reading today's chapter. 

Until next time, Case solvers.

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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