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Recap of The Last Chapter: 

She smirks, turning to me and stepping closer. "You're not as stupid as I thought you were." I stare at her, taking a step forward. Her smirk never left her lips. Only staring down at me, towering over me with power but I didn't back down that challenge. It didn't matter if she was taller, I was not afraid of her.

"Neither are you. You acted like a kid to fool others but you're like a snake. Seeking power right?" I tilt my head a bit at her, giving her the same treatment she was giving me. She chuckles slightly. Stepping away and walking away. I turned and watched her. Her hand reaches for the bathroom door handle but she stops. Looking at me and saying, "If you want to find her, you're going to have to try harder, Y/n-san."

Once she was gone, my hands stopped being fists, I looked down at my palms now noticing how I had started digging my nails into the skin. I grit my teeth before turning and running my hand under the water. Abe's words ran in my head. I smirk slightly, "So it is as I thought. Chiyo is here." Looking up in the mirror, I see myself, my older self watching me. Following along with my actions.

"Don't worry Abe Yamaki, I'm going to make this fun for you."


As we started our search, I took notice of a lot of things. This building was structured weirdly from the inside. Though it looks small and tall it is actually really easy to get lost. Shinichi and I have been walking for minutes now, trying to find anything that could lead us to Chiyo's whereabouts. After my little interaction with Abe, I knew now that she was an added threat.

"We've been walking for minutes, I don't think we're going to find anything," I spoke, looking up and down the endless hallways. I cross my arms to think for a minute. "You said the workers had key cards right?"

"Yeah," Shinichi takes my hand and quickly we head back to the main room. I watched Shinichi, trying to figure out what he was planning to do. We waited by a snack table, and a worker in a butler suit walked nearby. Holding an empty tray under his arm.

"If we couldn't find anything, we just follow the ones with keycards. Surely, we can find something from there." Listening to Shinichi's words made me realize he was right. If we can get our hands on a keycard and follow the butlers we can find a way in. We wait, watching the waiter. Quietly and sneakily, we follow after them.

As we arrive in another hallway, we see the waiter go into a room. The door didn't seem to have any sort of lock or security. I walked over, quietly opening the door as I peeked inside. Seeing it was a kitchen. I turned to Shinichi and signaled him over, we walked inside and remained crouched. Making sure we are not seen.

The smell of food and drinks was really strong in the kitchen. I could see cooks making different kinds of fancy meals and the waiters came in and out of the kitchen doors. "Look." Shinichi pats my shoulder, gesturing to another door at the back of the kitchen that was not the one we came in from.

"It has a scanner, we should try to get a keycard," Shinichi speaks quietly, looking around. I nodded my head to him, I sneaked slowly moving towards the other side of the kitchen. I pulled back as I was almost caught by a cook. I breathe out in relief before peeking my head around the counter. I can see a waiter placing down their tray. They're back turned. If I can get over there and get the keycard, we will be able to go in.

I quickly thought of a way I could cause a distraction, but before I could do anything. A loud alarm blasts in the kitchen. I cover my ears from the sounds, and I press my back against the counter, trying to stay hidden. "Fire! There's a fire! Everybody out!"

The cooks and waiters run out of the kitchen, trying to get to safety. I panic and look around for Shinichi only to see him closing the door where we came from. He turns and looks at me, smirking. "That should give us a chance for the keycard."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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