.Finish what was interrupted.

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Recap of the Last Chapter:

He gave us a big smile and said, "Welcome to Cherry Tower. Enjoy our Grandreopening." Just like that, we took steps into a circular room. The room was filled with guests, and tables full of food or drinks. People were talking in groups and some were laughing.

The thing that caught my attention was how in the middle of the room, there was an open space where it was a big patch of grass and a small thin stream rolled by. The biggest and prettiest Sakura Tree I have ever seen was stood there.

Moving ever so slightly from the air currents let in here by the windows and balconies open. "Wow, this is incredible." I spoke as Sonoko giggled and smiled, "It is the grand reopening. Enjoy yourselves kiddos. Don't go too far though."

Sonoko grabbed Ran's hand and pulled her away to a table. I looked at Shinichi and he looked at me as we nodded and we both moved in unison to walk around.

"Please be in here Chiyo. I'm going to bring you home to Kuma-San."


A/N: Short fluffy chapter! Be prepared (∘^_^∘)

The tower was beautiful inside, and the way everything was decorated around the Sakura tree was eye-catching. Classical music plays in the background, the sound of chattering, and laughter from time to time. All these people came here to see this tree.

I would agree, the tree looked healthy and it was indeed the biggest Sakura tree I had ever seen. But something about this whole ordeal was off, something did not sit right no matter how elegant this event was. My eyes roamed across the guests, none of them looked familiar. 

"What's wrong?" I heard a voice next to me, I turned to the person next to me and gave them a small smile. "Nothing's wrong...well...actually I-I lied. Something f-feels off." Shinichi quirked his eyebrow at me as he looked out to the crowd. 

My eyes followed as well, all these guests as from rich families, and nobody here was from the lower class. I felt a hand hold mine as I looked over at Shinichi, his eyes stared into mine. His sapphire eyes were so dreamy, so captivating. "Is it because of Chiyo?" He asked and I took a second to respond as I nodded. 

I held his hand as I looked around me to make sure nobody was listening in, "I have some ideas but I-I'm not certain." Shinichi nodded as he pushed his glasses up with his free hand. He began walking as he gently pulled me along with him. 

He took us near the tree and we both looked up at the large tree. He let go of my hand as I frowned missing the warmth. "If your dream is right, then Chiyo must be here somewhere right?" I nodded as he turned to me.

Shinichi turned to look around the room as he soon turned to me, "How about a dance?" He asked and I tilt my head confused. "Dance? R-Right now?" I asked and he nodded before extending his hand for me to take as an invitation. I eyed his hand before deciding to take it. 

I don't know what Shinichi is thinking but I'll follow along if this will help us find Chiyo. Just then, the music started playing some classical waltz music. I remember this song, 'Swan Lake: Waltz' My Mother and Father used to dance to this song when I was younger. Shinichi put one of his hands on my waist and another holding my other hand. 

I held onto his hand and then put my other one on his shoulder. We swayed to the music, close to each other. I remember the first time we danced this close together, it was the party where Sonoko's father bought expensive paintings. I gave a sweet smile to him as he gave a small smirk. 

He twirled me and I gasped a bit shocked as I landed closer to his chest, I could feel my heart beating so fast. I thought it was going to jump out, my cheeks flushed as I leaned my head against his chest. We both danced together, the song getting louder and faster as we danced, our hands clasped together. 

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