.Sick 1/2.

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Recap of The Last Chapter:

I walked towards the living room, I could hear a couple of voices so I walked inside the room. "She's not here! We searched everywhere! Nighttime is falling as well!" I can see Ran-nee-chan crying a bit as I frown.

"H-Hey guys.." I spoke out as everyone turned in my direction, they seemed startled by my voice. I almost fell back from the impact of someone, I was surprised at first, too surprised to react. That was until I heard them say, "Where have you been! I was worried for you!" Jimmy was hugging me as I blushed and panicked.

"I-I was o-outside! I'm sorry for making y-you guys worry!" I exclaim as Jimmy held me tightly, his grip did not loosen no matter how long he hugged me. I decided to hug back as I melt into the hug, "Why didn't you answer me? I was really worried sick." Jimmy whispered as I frown.

"I'm sorry, I was out taking a walk. I didn't mean to scare you guys." I whispered back softly as he sighted. He let go of the hug and looked at me, "Well, I guess you're fine now." Jimmy said blushing and looking away while putting his hands in his pocket. I smile before Ran-nee-chan tackled me into a hug as well.

She was crying at this point, I apologized to her and everyone else who I made worried. I made sure to call back Ayumi to apologize to her. I explained the situation though I didn't include the part of me meeting Kuma-san. I didn't want to expose Kuma-san like that, only if she wanted me to.

For the rest of the day, I stayed upstairs only thinking about Kuma-san and her story. I couldn't believe her husband. He just threw her out, but then again she said something or someone changed him. Chiyo...I wonder what happened to her. I should do something about this, but...I don't know-how.

"I promise to fix this mess, Kuma-san."


I woke up the next morning, Jimmy was out of bed like always, apart from that one time. I turn to my side turning to the window. It was covered by the light-brown blinds, my eyes gaze over to my phone. I lazily stretch my hand out to it and grab it into my hand, I press the on button as I see the time and day come up along with the notifications.

Some of the notifications were about the news, weather, youtube videos..etc. I notice the day, "December 17th." Heat rises to my cheeks as I blush to remember my plan about confessing on the 25th. I was feeling tired from usual, I felt a small headache form on the side of my head. 

I frown at the pain, "Ow...why is my head hurting?" I said to myself as I sit up holding my head. I breathe in and out a couple of times before deciding to get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I do my normal morning routine as I change into some casual warm clothing. 

Once I have everything done I head downstairs, my shoes hitting the floor softly as I think about the headache. My head returns with the pain once I remember, I put my hand up to my forehead to softly rub my temple. 

"I should ask, Sakura-san for some medicine when I eat breakfast," I said walking to my right just as I stepped off the stairs. I walk down for quite a bit before turning to my left and then arriving in the dining room.

I notice voices talking inside, I don't bother to check if it was a private conversation or not before just stepping inside. I let go of my head before looking at the situation in front of me. Jimmy and Ran-chan were talking about something, they seemed serious or something. 

I ignore it as I walk past them into the kitchen, I push the door softly as I step inside. Sakura-san and her co-workers were talking while working. Making breakfast as I walk over to Sakura-san. I tap on her side as she turned to look down at me. 

She smiled, "F/n-chan, how are you this fine morning?" she seemed to frown a bit noticing how I raise my hand to my forehead. 

"Does your head hurt?" She asked putting to the side what she was doing as I nod. "My head's hurting since the moment I woke up. I don't think I'm sick though." I said to her as nodded. 

"Okay, take a seat. I will grab you some medicine and a glass of water." She instructed as I nodded following her words. I sit at the kitchen table as I hold my head. My elbow leaning onto the table as I sit there holding my head.

My forehead aching in pain as I grunt a bit, I massage my head. "I don't understand why my head hurts," I said to myself as I heard walking, my vision became a bit blurry but I shake my head. I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I flinch at how cold their hand was. 

"Oh! I'm sorry, my apologies." I heard Sakura-san's voice as I wave it off. She hands me a pill for the pain and then a glass of water. I drink the water along with the pill as I slowly drink all of the water. 

Sakura-san watches me with worry and concern as I finish and place the empty glass on the table. She talks to me about anything that may have given me a headache but I denied all of them. I apologize for disturbing her as I walk out of the kitchen to the dining room as I go to sit on a chair.

I sit down as I look at the plate in front of me, my vision getting blurry once more as I reach for a spoon. The coldness of the spoon affects me as I flinch a bit before just grabbing it and beginning to eat. 

I felt like someone was staring at me but I ignored it, I was too focused on eating my food. I didn't notice how I was leaning a bit forward. "F/n-chan, are you feeling okay?" I heard someone's voice, though I couldn't recognize it.

The voice sounds a bit far from me, I stared at the plate as it moved on its own. My vision becoming more blurry as I felt dizzy and sick to the stomach. "F/n-chan?" The voice spoke out again as I look to the side. 

"Huh?" I said a bit confused as I notice Ran-nee-chan looking at me a worried. "Are you okay? You don't look well." She exclaimed as I shake my head. "No, I'm f-fine," I said getting up from my seat. "I don't want to worry them, I'll go back to my room and sleep." I thought to myself as I walked away from the table towards the doors.

Now that I noticed, I didn't feel good, my vision became a mess. I was dizzy, cold, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I move a bit from side to side, looking like a drunk. I stop not being able to walk anymore as I stumble from nothing.

I didn't care anymore, because of how tired I was and I felt weak. I fell forward and onto the ground. I could hear voices ringing in my ears, they sounded panicked. I see someone come into my field of vision but due to the blurriness, I couldn't see who it was. 

"F/N!" I heard Jimmy's voice one more time as I closed my eyes, not being able to handle the pain from my head and how tired I was. My brain slowly shutting off as my surroundings started to shut off. Not feeling a thing, but just sleep.


Hello! I apologize for the long-long wait for the updates. I know I am taking long to update and I apologize. Here is why I couldn't update last week or the weekend until now. 

My laptop recently broke because of my sisters, I had to go get it fixed but I was told it would take a while before it was done. When my computer broke, the screen was cracked from the inside and some of the keyboard keys were missing. So I had to get it fixed, my sisters dropped my computer really hard so that's how it happened.

Dialy Daisy update: I'm happy to announce that her puppies arrived safely yesterday, Feb 2, 2021. She had 7 beautiful puppies, they are super cute. If you wanna see a picture of them, go to my Instagram account. (Ll.esme_xoxo) We finished the house on time which I'm happy about because they are inside there. She is now resting and regaining energy. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this short update, I once again apologize for updating late but lately, I have been going through some things but I am fighting it so no worries. Your author-chan is strong and I won't back down without a fight. 

Until next time, case solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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