.Black Lily.

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Recap of the Chapter: .Amaryllis.

"Y/n?" I look up to Shinichi who just called out to me. "Are you okay? You were zoning out for a good minute." I sigh putting down my chopsticks onto my bento and I sit up folding my hands in front of me. "I don't know Shinichi-kun. Something i-is not sitting right with me." Shinichi lifted one of his eyebrows questioningly.

"What do you mean by that?" I looked down at my hands and then back up at him. "It's my parents...they keep asking about your parents..." Everything went quiet for a second, he seemed to be thinking, maybe he doesn't know what to reply, honestly, I'm just as confused as he is. "Why would they keep wanting to know about them?"

He asked me and I shrug, "I don't know. I'm in the same l-line of confusion as you." We both just stared at each other. Basically, we were lost but mostly confused, Do our parents know each other? Are we somehow connected?

I sigh before being the first one to break eye contact and lay my head on the library table. I was tired and thinking about something like that at the moment made my head feel fuzzy. I guess it was just one of those days. My hands curled around me as they gave me some sort of pillow and I closed my eyes.

Maybe some sleep won't hurt. Hopefully, Shinichi is okay with that.


Having thought deeply about it, it made no sense to me why my parents wanted to know more about the Kudos. Looking back at the questions I wrote in my diary, it kinda felt like they were rivals. Maybe the Kudos had some sort of rivalry with my parents? The more I thought about it, I couldn't figure out what the connection was.

I tried asking Shinichi about it but he didn't know or well at least it seemed like that. So I decided to do my own investigation. My father had his own study in the house, it was usually locked but I knew where the key was. I had been studying their movements before they had left for the project in America.

I walked down the hallway, the floorboards creaking slightly, I froze, looking over my shoulder not seeing the maid. I sighed before I walked over to a statue. I study it, trying to find the button my father usually presses. 'Where is it?'

My eyes search before I come across what seems like a crack on the statue, under the chin of the dog. 'A crack?' I trace over the crack, my finger following along until I see the button. It was just behind the strap of the dog collar. I turn it, seeing a symbol. It seemed like a tree with glitter. I press the button, the mouth opens as the key hangs out. 

"Finally." I take it, I walk to the door, place the key, twist it, and the door unlocks. I check the hallway, the maid is nowhere in sight. I face the door, pushing it open and stepping inside. I closed the door behind me quietly, facing the study it seemed normal.

I walk to the drawers and pull them open. Seeing a bunch of files junked together. I grab at them and place them on top of the desk. I continue searching until I see something. A file that was slightly worn down compared to the others. A few papers were inside, talking about some other sort of project. 

I skipped over it, finding a paper that caught my interest. I eye it, something about it was off. I sit on the chair, pulling out my diary as I grab my pencil and place the paper down beside it. I start copying down whatever I find important. I read it slowly, understanding its context. 


June 13, 2001.

The Kudos seem to be on our case, they don't seem to give up do they? The project must not be found, it doesn't matter what we must do to cover it up. That other guy, KID, also seems to know about our project. Somehow our information was told to them or figured out. Someone must be giving out intel. Once we find them, they will be removed and terminated. The Kudos are smart, they can figure things out with just one glance, I wouldn't doubt if they already figured out the whole project. They must be stopped somehow. They have been on our trail for a while now. Only we don't seem to be able to figure out how. Their covers are greatly advanced than ours. We must stop them before the completion of Black Lily.

June 20th, 2001.

LOG #204: Black Lily

The Kudos have found it, they know where it is. It won't be long before they try to stop us. I won't let them. We have come too far in our research, the project is almost perfected. If things must be relocated we have to choose somewhere nobody will think about. America seems like a great place, building a factory or some sort of business will gain us some more time and cover. Black Lily is working well, some of the factors and side effects are still in question but manageable. One of our test subjects shrank in size perfectly, the one side effect was that its brain knowledge has disappeared with it. More extensive research is needed, and we need more tests done. If this is done correctly it will be revolutionizing!


After finding this information it was clear that my parents seemed to have some sort of fascination with the Kudos. I will not tell them anything about the Kudos. If my actions or words were to hurt Shinichi or his family. I would never forgive myself. Some sort of project named Black Lily is a project my parents are creating. 

I don't know what kind of project it is but based on the file, it seemed that it was to change either a human or an object in size. So with what I have, I left the office clean and back in place. If my parents ever found out that I knew of such information, I don't know what would happen to me.

And that was what scared me the most, not knowing what kind of power my parents had. Or what they could do, how did I not think they were suspicious before? Their actions were always questionable but I thought it must have to do with the business trip to America. Wait, but that's right, this business trip in America must be where the project must be. That's why they are always gone, doing projects.

So I ran, trying to find where Shinichi lived. Knocking on the door and begging to be let in. With all the information I had, I gathered the Kudo family and gave my diary to Yusaku Kudo, the father of Shinichi. I watched them read over all the things I had gathered. They questioned me wondering how I was able to get these. 

"My father had these in his study. T-They out on a business trip, in America."  Looking at Mr. Kudo, he nodded his head, reaching over and gently ruffling my hair. Shinichi sat beside me the whole time, while his mother, Yukiko, made a phone call. 

"Y/n, from now on, do not speak to your parents about this information. You must not let them figure out you know. Do you understand?" The tone of order and worry in Mr. Kudo's voice was real, it was strong. His eyes were cold but had a look of certainty in them. Nodding my head, I told him these words. 

"I won't say a word."


To Be Continued

Written & Uploaded: 10/23/2023

Until next time, My Case Solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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