Iron Maiden

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Leon soon comes back and unlocks the door. The door opens and he walks into the room he turns a corner to then be hugged on the neck by you. He smiles a bit

"Yeah yeah I missed you too now let's get out of here" he chuckled, you nod your head. Now back together the three of you advance throughout the hallways getting attacked by more ganados. You all finally made it through making it to the waste disposal unit.

"Looks like this is it" Leon says

"Ugh it stinks" Ashley says

"Sure does" Leon says, he looks over at you and you nod your head Ashley looks at you then back at Leon frantically.

"No way Leon!" She says, Leon grabs asked hand then you grabs hers

"Way" he replies. You all fall, Ashley screaming. You panic grabbing Ashley and putting her in front of you to soften the impact of her fall. Everyone lands, Ashley lands on top of you knocking the wind out of your lungs.

"Are you out of your mind?" Ashley asks

"I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your bu- Y/n!?" He says helping Ashley stand up, then helping you stand up.

Making your way to the door an iron maiden stands up.

"What is that thing?" Ashley asks

"C'mon let's go" Leon says, he flips a switch the gates open you all go through. He turns around and closes the gate. Then he makes the two of you hide in a crate.

"You idiot!" Ashley whisper yells at you "you could've hurt the baby" she puts her hands on your stomach

"It didn't matter Salazar... Said that the kids didn't last anyways" you say pausing in the middle still trying to catch your breath.

"That doesn't mean you can just let it die like that" she says feeling a kick "holy shit" she says jumping a bit.

"What is it?" You ask in a wheeze like voice.

"The baby's kicking" she says in an excited like voice. Before you could reply Leon opens the top of the crate

"Ladies let's go" he says with a soft smile you and Ashley jump out of the crate and continue on. You and Leon push a crate into the water. Everyone continues on until Leon hears another shaky breath from a iron maiden. "Y/n was that you?" He asks

"No" you simply reply.

"Go back to the box" he says almost instantly

"Okay" you and Ashley say in unison running back to the box, you two jump back in and start taking about the baby again.

"How far along am I then if the baby is kicking?" You ask breath completely recovered.

"The earliest being around 16 weeks, like five months" she says "but I roughly remember" she explains.

"Five months" you say astonished "I'm five months pregnant?" You ask

"Yes, you may be farther along I don't know" Ashley replies. Before you could say anything back Leon opens the lid

"Okay we're good for sure" he says and the three of you progress. Pushing another crate out of the way, it leads y'all to a room in witch you have to pull a switch for a recking ball to open the door. Looking around the room you find your backpack with all your weapons in it.

"Nice!" You say grabbing it, then helping Leon fight of the Ganados. Ashley breaks the brick around the door and all you advance.

It's a quiet hallway with the faint breathing of a regenorater. Leon bring you and Ashley into a room telling the two of you to wait. He goes to fight the regenorater then a second one. He opens the door simply telling the two of you to continue following him.

You all make it to a door with two switches you and Leon get on either side. The lights start turning on once they get to the middle you and Leon pull the switches causing the door to open. You all contenue, you and Leon jump into the back of a truck as Ashley somehow teliports to the front.

"Leave it to me guys" she says. You all contenue almost getting hit by two trucks. The second time Ashley crashes. They continue meeting the merchant again then Saddlar.

He takes Ashley leaving you and Leon, Leon put a tracking device on Ashley. Leon regains balance

"That's a dick move on Saddlar's part" you say

Leon × Self-conscious!Chubby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now