39. Laughter

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Jungkook woke up to a numb headache.

His clothes sticked to him wetly, nearly suffocating him. His throat felt like it was swollen, he couldn't swallow properly, but not even cough.

But he felt pretty fine yesterday...

He hated all of this. Every hour spent in the hospital seemed like days, he couldn't move freely, the needle pushed into his skin pierced into him at every movement, while he wasn't even on infusion anymore, they just left it there to be sure. Although the air of the hospital room was clean, it still smelled so much of reagents that his stomach turned every time when he managed to take a breath through his nose.

He turned to his side with whines. His whole being hurt. His shot shoulder, his arm, his head, his eyes, moreover he kept shivering and feeling his surroundings too hot at the same time. He hated it.

He just laid down for a while, not concentrating on anything else than how miserable he felt. Hi mouth started to feel dangerously sweet, making him open his eyes in panic. He hoped that he was wrong and the contains of his stomach didn't want to take a visit outside, but instead of reducing, the feeling grew stronger.

Jungkook struggled up into a sitting position, then although dizzily, but he darted off towards the bathroom.

One of the nurses found him on the cold tiles after he finished, because the boy found no energy in himself to go back to his room. The woman supported him by the elbow back to the bed, where Jungkook crawled back, shaking all over.

They called a doctor in for him who examined him, then the previous nurse put him on infusion again, and ensured him that he had nothing to worry about, only his cold was a little nastier as his system is weak.

He found himself between the walls of the torture room in his dream again, and even though only the place stayed with him by the time he woke up, he still teared up. He reached up angrily to wipe the stains off with his fist. He felt a tiny bit better. The room didn't seem abnormally hot and freezing at the same time, but his bad mood remained.

"Looks like we aren't playing today, right?" Yuna peeked inside sometime later with her little sister in her heel.

Jungkook shook his head, to which the girl closed the door with an understanding nod. Actually he wanted to have company really much, so they could distract him from his sickness, but he surely wouldn't have been the best talking partner at the moment. Even if he had to stay alone with his thoughts this way.

He had no idea how much time passed before another visitor arrived.

His mother stepped to the bed with a worried expression and sat down on the chair.

"My poor darling" the woman stroked the sweaty hair out of his face. "Are you feeling really bad?"

She put the back of her hand to his forehead, making him get lost in the pleasant cold touch.

"I think we came at the wrong time."

Jungkook opened his eyes at the sound of plural.

"Who?" he asked with a sore throat. He hadn't said a word all day until now.

"I thought you could meet your dad and brother, but... If you are not feeling well, I'll send them home."

Jungkook looked the other in the eyes in fright. He knew that he would have to meet everyone else, but how could they always choose the worst moment for it? Moreover, he was sick, tired and because of all that he felt even more vulnerable than the day before. He wouldn't have had a problem with spending a few hours with the woman as the other proved to be endlessly understanding and it was like she could read his mind, but to meet the others for the first time? New people? Somehow it made him feel worse that they were male.

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