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He couldn't sleep, not even a blink. The next day was the really big premiere he performed on, actually a competition or gala, he himself didn't know anymore but everyone around him talked about this big day since months, and he practiced just as much too. He played the piano since years, and everyone knew that he was one of the most talented students at his school. Other kids performed on the same day too, some only seven-, eight-year-olds, actually he didn't stick out with his ten years from the line-up. Still, it was the most important performance of his life so far. As his teacher told him thousand times how he felt when he hit the wrong notes, he couldn't afford to make mistakes. Even though he just entered the word of teens, his future could already be decided. This was because not only the parents and teachers were present during the competition, and not only the jury that scored them. Directors and teachers from Korea's most famous art schools have also appeared, who liked to gather the next generation of their students at such events. Anyone who has entered such a school – scholarships here or there – already had brighter future than any graduate student.

Yoongi competed for himself. His parents never would've forced him to do it, they were always forgiving towards their children. Of course, he studied hard at school too, he also took special classes in English and math. He also started playing an instrument early on, he didn't even go to school, but he already knew what his passion was. It would've been enough to take simple piano lessons for a few years and then drop out of musical studies like most kids, but no, he always wanted more. It wasn't enough to have special class, it wasn't enough to go to the music department, he always wanted more and more, more music, more sounds around him. This was his own little magical world, his hideout where his soul pulled him. And his parents were happy that the boy found his passion so soon.

Yoongi had been excited about the competition for weeks. He was confident, and he knew that he would perform successfully. He knew, up until the last few days, when the confidence was replaced with anxiety, and he could only go near the piano with shivers down his spine. He could hardly fall asleep at night, until they got to the point where only his mom could rock him to sleep. Regardless that his parents told him that it was okay if he wasn't the best, that it was quite sure that he would become a successful pianist even if he wasn't accepted to a music academy at the age of ten. But Yoongi was a forever maximalist even at such an early age.

Not only the competition bothered him these days. More specifically, one of its consequences digested him.

His brother got the cold a few days earlier and he laid in his room with high fever.

The little child was fond of physical contact anyways, the boy could hardly scratch him off of himself, however, when he was ill or uncomfortable, he stuck even more onto his family members. Yoongi was digested by the desire to snuggle to the other and let him spread through his belly to get trough the disease, as he usually did. But Yoongi couldn't get sick now, a sneeze could ruin months of hard work. His parents understood that, so they didn't even try to get him to stay in the same room as the other. What was kind of them of course, and understandable too, yet, after a few days, Yoongi longed for the sight of his puffy-faced, sickly rose-skinned brother just as he did after him.

The evening before the performance the tense ten-years-old walked through the corridor in his pajamas. He was supposed to be asleep long ago but lying in his bed only made him even more nervous. He had to walk his energy out. The only room where the lights were still on was his younger brother's. Yoongi approached the door, which was opened slightly, carefully in his soft slippers, unwilling to wake the other in case he was sleeping already.

"Try to rest, okay darling? If you have a big sleep, we will go and see your brother how he plays the piano tomorrow. And then we'll come home and watch a movie on the TV all together" the boy heard his mom's voice.

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