41. Resolutions

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One week. Hoseok asked him that much.

And really, it seemed to work. Jimin's life seemed just a bit less hopeless than before. Even though many questions remained in him and loads of uncertainty, but he felt that he would be able to defeat these problems with the help of his family.

On the morning of the seventh day the boy took his new phone out, and he sent a message around in the group of the Kim family before he could have time to reconsider. It was no worrying or long monologue from his side, just a simple question: can we talk today?

He was finally ready, and if this was the case, he wanted to be over with the mentally pressuring procedure. He still had some hours to think about how he would word everything that he had to say out loud in front of the others.

He cracked his fingers with sweaty palms and shaking hands in the hospital bed. He knew that the others weren't expecting from him to tell the whole story. He could keep the really hurtful memories that would have been too much to tell, to himself. But some way, he wanted to clear his name. He still worried about the reaction a bit. Pity? Judgement? Fear?

The voice whispering in his head still repeated to him to not tell a word, they would just cast him out, they would never understand. They are different people who weren't there, who didn't get into the same situation as him, they could never understand. No, not until they were whipped on their backs, until they hadn't gotten beaten up for the slightest hesitation. Not until they had feared their life to the point that they were capable of anything, they couldn't know.

His phone notified with unstoppable beeping that the others got the message, but he suddenly hadn't felt enough energy mentally to raise the phone from his lap and start explaining to the others. It will be just enough to go through all of this in person.

Taehyung arrived first, just a few minutes later.

God, what if they prohibit me from him?

Jimin looked up at the boy with sad eyes, as the throat clenching feeling got hold of him, then he carefully shook his head. He couldn't step back now.

"Please tell me that you didn't drive faster because of this..." he squinted suspiciously.

"Me? After your accident? Never" shook his head the teen seriously, as he walked further into the room. "I was heading here What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk."

"But it's not going to be like an "I've decided to move to Europe, and I want to live as a hermit, cutting all ties with humanity" talk, will it be?" asked Taehyung, making cat claws in the air.

Jimin laughed.

"Where did that come from?"

The boy stayed silent for a bit, as if he weren't sure whether he could say the thought passing his mind.

"I'm just scared that you'll leave me" he said at last. "Thinking things through, you already knew that you would go away that day, right? Forever. While we planned our future together."

The blond boy gulped and turned his gaze away from the boy.

"It won't happen again" he mumbled blurrily. "You don't have to be scared."

"Will you promise that you won't ever go away? Or not like that anyway?" asked Taehyung seriously, and Jimin's couldn't help but look him in the eyes to ensure the other about his intention.

"I promise, Tae. I'm not going anywhere. Only if you tell me to. I didn't go away back then because I wanted to either. But for my friends and your own safety. For you too."

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