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Kin waited for Maul, he came. Right before she left, he had come to her battered from some expedition she didn't care about and approached her in the loading bay.

She gives a smile at his late arrival anyway, "Glad you could've made it."

Maul huffs at this and steps forward, "It is upon us."

Kin simply nods in agreement, not wanting to push Maul too far. They would not be together to witness the fall of the Jedi, perhaps they wouldn't ever meet again. Only time could tell, and Kin wasn't feeling much of a promising future for herself at all.

"If we don't meet again, then thank you, for changing the course of my life," she pauses, "and fuck you for changing the course of my life."

Maul gives a sound that is probably his version of a laugh and Kin can't help herself. She steps forwards and hugs him, leaning her weight into him. It takes a second before he's returning the hug and it takes Kin a moment to realized he's never been hugged before. Of course, his entire being just seemed to be anguish.

"Let us meet again outside this theater of agony and war," it's poetic and Kin nearly regrets saying it by the near apologetic look he shoots her soothes her regrets, "Thanks, again."

Maul doesn't reply and simply walks as she boards the ship. Everything was about to change.


The hyperspace voyage to Qwim was only a little over then a standard day. The Jedi welcomed Kin right back, as soon as she arrived to the base they welcomed their old friend back with open arms.

And that's how the next few days passed, Celeste found Kin near immediately upon her arrival and hadn't left her side since. Kin was grateful for her presence, the ArgiCorps was near completely new faces.

"I-" Celeste stands from her seated meditation position. Today, Kin and Celeste sat just outside of the fields calmly meditating, "Somethings wrong."

Just as Kin opened her eyes, a somewhat large ship flies over the field, a few smaller ones behind it. She rises quickly as well, she can feel it. Something is horribly wrong.

"Get them off the field," she mutters but uniform clad jedi were already frantically standing up through the tangles of crops. But it was too late, the first explosion had already been unleashed by the largest ship.

Celeste and Kin share one quick glance before the explosions return and their suddenly sprinting away from the destruction. Pure instinct kicked in, Kins hands flying to the duel lightsabers strapped to her hips.

"Kin!" Celeste shouts over the roaring explosions behind them. The ships were firing in earnest now, blowing the fields and everyone on them into bits. "Kin, those are republic ships!"

Things were happening so fast now that Kin couldn't comprehend a single thing Celeste was shouting at her. Instead she was on a rabid prowl for her ship, calculating how fast she could get off world in her head.

"Kin, did you hear me? Republic ships! You can't-" Celeste grabs Kins arm causing her to stumble and stop, haphazardly pointing the hilt of her saber to Celeste, "We can't leave them, we have to help!"

Another explosion rips through the surface of the planet as Kin shouts over it, "There's nothing we can do."

Celeste is shooting her another glare and running away as she does it, but doesn't force Kin to follow. She stands still in shock for a moment. Kin turned and made a break for her ship as the destruction of the Jedi followed her from behind.

bahhh not much to say I think this sucks. swag ;)

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