Chapter Twenty Four

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In Syria, they found four Hydra men. The avengers took them down and told Fury about them, and Fury sending agents to retrieve them.

Next stop, Germany.

The group of Avengers flew to Germany to once again, take down Hydra and any more bases. But this one had a different transportation to the destination.

After flying the Quinjet to Germany, they had to take a train to the final spot on where they were setting up base because the only space for the Quinjet to be landed at was 3 hours away.

The small group boarded the train and began to set off through the mountains. They were in a train cart by themselves, the other ones filled with other people who needed to ride the train as well.

An hour into the mountains, there was an issue.

Steve started to freak out. Before he started to freak out, however, he was just looking through the window, looking at the tall snow covered mountains. He only started to freak out when the train entered the tunnel and came right back out.

The place where Bucky fell.

Steve started freaking out, shaking in his seat, tears streaming down his face. He started grabbing at his head, the voices, and everything became a blur for him. He heard muffled sounds that were scattered around him but he couldn't pinpoint them. All he could think about was the fall, and the emotions that came with it.

He felt like he was reliving it all over again.

"Grab my hand!"

"Hang on!"

Steve couldn't shake it and no one could get through to him so Tony called Bucky.

"What do you want, Tony?" Bucky grumbles over the phone.

"Steve just started to freak out and we can't get him to cam down so I'm hoping you could."

"Put me on speaker."

Tony puts the phone on the table that Steve is sitting in front of with the now on speaker phone. "Alright Barnes, do your best" he says.

Bucky sighs, "hey, Punk."

Doesn't work so he continues to talk. "Stevie, I don't know what is going on but you gotta breathe. Listen to my voice, connect, I'm still here," Bucky says calmly over the phone.

When Bucky was talking, Steve looked at the phone. He could see the rectangular device emitting Bucky's -his Bucky- voice.

Steve began calming down, "Bu-Bucky?"

"Yes, hi Stevie," Bucky smiles, along with the rest of the avengers who are actually on the train. "You feelin better?" He asks, worry laced in his voice.

Steve slowly stopped shaking and his breathing became more normal and stable, as he began to speak again. "Yeah, I am thank you," Steve says to the phone. He looks up at his friends and continue, "sorry for freaking you guys out.. I'm all good now."

"What made you like this, Rogers?" Natasha questions him, she didn't even know what happened.

Red rose to Steve's face. He wasn't sure how to put into words just what happened. Steve begins, "we were going through the tunnel and the second we came out I knew where we were..."

"How could that be possible?" Wanda asks him.

"It's the place where Bucky fell off the train during WWII all those years ago."

Bucky starts, "oh Stevie baby."

"That's what we passed and I started to freak out," Steve said and Wanda just comforts him and hugs him, knowingly doing it for everyone as well.

Steve embraced the hug while Tony took his phone back, mumbling a "thanks Bucky, bye" and turning his attention back to Steve.

Wanda and Steve broke the hug and everyone returned to their seats except for Nat, who sat down across from him. She took his hand and squeezed it at she began to look out the train window, knowing where they were too.

Back at the tower, after the phone call Bucky went to the kitchen. He had nothing to do, he's been training mostly while Steve is gone and he doesn't really know the avengers that remained at the tower with him.

Ever since coming out of cryo, more memories he didn't know he had, keep coming back. A flash of a memory, or a lengthy piece always flooded to his mind as he did a task or looked at something that sparked it.

A lot are to do with Steve, the war, and the trauma he faced after for 90 years, until Steve rescued him.

"Mission report."

Bucky stayed silent.

Bucky got slapped across the face, "mission report, now!"

"The man on the bridge... who was he?" Bucky asked lowly

"You met him earlier this week on another mission," Pierce replied.

"I knew him."

Pierce looks at him, "your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

"But I knew him," Bucky looks up to Pierce, giving him a glare.

"Prep him."

Bucky shudders at the remembrance of this flashback, one of his more recent memories. Bucky never liked the HYDRA memories, he preferred wartime or prewar with Steve.

Bucky begins walking down the sidewalk, whistling and minding his business when he hears grunts.

He looks down the alleyway to see a tall dark haired man beating up a much smaller blonde one. The small one doesn't give up no matter what happens.

He begins walking about to break up the fight when he realizes it's Steve, who is getting beaten. Bucky is furious and grabs the dark haired man by the back of his shirt and tugs him away from Steve.

Bucky punches the dude in the faces and yells "why don't you pick on somebody your own size? Leave him alone!"

The bully just walks away, not bothering with Bucky and Steve who he had just beaten to a pulp. Bucky turns back to Steve, he is slowly trying to get up off the concrete ground.

Bucky sighs and walks over to him, helping him get up. "I didn't need you bucky, I had him on the ropes," Steve rasps, limping out of the alley with Bucky supporting him.

"I know Stevie. You always do."

Most of the memories are of Steve being beaten or suck, he's not opposed to them since it shows how Steve is. Bucky smiles at the memory, loving the way Steve was back then and how it never changed.

"Not a perfect soldier but a good man, right?" Bucky chuckles, grabbing milk out of the fridge, deeply missing his super soldier.

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