Chapter Seven

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A week has passed, and Steve was still kidnapped and was still getting tortured. From water boarding to tasing to getting punched and kicked to getting stabbed or cut.

He's got it all. By the end of the week he still wouldn't give information up so they decided to sexually assault him which he of course passed out after, and still didn't give up anything.

Steve didn't want to take this all anymore. He was tired of getting tased, tired of almost drowning. He was cold and hungry, they barely ever fed him so he felt weak, he lost hope in getting out of the chains.

Zemo and Sharon took his chair away so he was now lying on the cold ground that had water all of it, making Steve shiver.

But Steve wouldn't give up information of his friends and Bucky. No matter how hard they tried to force it out of him, he wouldn't let it out, he just couldn't. He couldn't let them win.

While Steve was still trapped and tortured, his friends back at the Avengers Tower still couldn't find any leads to where Steve could have gone.

And T'Challa said that Bucky was getting out of cryo tomorrow. Natasha knew Steve wanted to be there, it upsets her that Steve is gone and can't see Bucky when he gets out. Especially when Bucky is free of his trigger words.

Tony hasn't left his lab, he's been trying to find anything that can lead to Steve, but whoever took him left zero trace as to who they were, or where they went.

It was June 28th, it was getting close to Steve's birthday and Tony hoped to the Lords of this messed up world that Steve would be back by his birthday.

It was 9:00am on a Tuesday and Wanda brought down French toast for Tony. She's been bringing him down food and water so that he doesn't kill himself by not eating food for days on end.

All the avengers were apprehensive, they feared that Steve was hurt or in pain, but only if they knew what he was going through.


"Just tell me the information about you and your precious friends!" Zemo yelled, slapping Steve across the face.

Steve just replied, "I can't. I won't let you hurt my friends. You can hurt me but don't touch them."

Zemo grabbed Steve by the jaw to look him straight in the eye. "If that's what you want" he harshly let go of Steve's jaw and stood up. Zemo added, "I'll use the taser this time."

"Please... no, not again. Please." Steve mumbled.

"Tell me about your friends then." Zemo grabbed the taser and started to walk towards Steve. He had a mischievous smile and a glint of anger in his eyes.

"I'm not saying a word."

Zemo walked closer and started up the taser, "well then your about to be in a world of pain."

Steve looked up and smiled. "I can do this all day."

Then Zemo started to tase him. Steve started to grunt in pain, he didn't want to scream, didn't want Zemo to hear that he was hurting him. He needed to stay strong because he knew he was doing this for his friends. For Bucky.

Zemo tased him everywhere each one getting longer and pushed harder against him to make sure it bruised and scarred him.

He eventually got bored and got up and left the room. Steve rested his head on the concrete floor and started to silently cried, hoping, wishing that his friends would come save him soon. You're keeping them safe. Don't tell them anything, you'll be okay, he thought to himself.

Eventually Steve fell into a miserable and dreadful sleep.


For the avengers back at the tower it was the 29th, the day that Bucky would come out of cryo and they still hadn't found Steve.

"I'll go. Someone has to go and get him so he can help us find Steve. He probably has a better knowledge of what happened since they've know each other for 100 years" Natasha exclaimed, weary of what could happen when Bucky found out Steve was gone.

Stephen Strange stood up, "I'll go with you too. We can use a portal since it is much faster than the jet so we can get there fast."

"Perfect. We will go in 5 minutes since T'Challa is letting him out soon" Natasha replies back.

Natasha and Strange were getting ready to leave. Nat was going to break the news to Bucky and she didn't know what was going to happen, Bucky could literally react in any way possible.

Strange eventually called Nat saying that he was about to make the portal to Wakanda. She started to get nervous, she wanted Steve to be the one doing this, not her. But she walked next to Stephen as he made the portal.

He was successful, so they both stepped inside to the lab where Bucky was stuck at and Stephen closed the portal.

They gave a quick greeting to T'Challa and Shuri, while the King asked, "shall we?"

"Yes we shall" Stephen replied.

And with that, T'Challa and Shuri started to press buttons to help get rid of the cryo and make the glass chamber back into a regular temperature. Once it was all gone, they opened the doors and lowered Bucky down so he would be able to step down once he was out of the straps.

The doors opened and the excess smoke from the used to be freezing temperature hitting the labs warmer temperature came out and Bucky's eyes slowly opened.

Bucky felt groggy as Shuri released him from the straps. "Good morning, did you guys do it?"  He asked.

"Yes, we did. You should be able to have complete control over your brain now." Shuri explains.

Bucky steps out and smiles. He sees Natasha, T'Challa, and Stephen and smiles at them. His smile drops as he sees Steve isn't there. Weird, why isn't he here? He said he would be, Bucky thought. "Quick question." He chirped.

"What's your question, Bucky?" Stephen asked.

"Where is Steve?"

Hey guys! Sorry about this chapter, I didn't really know what I was going to do with this so it's not that good. That's why I'm also posting later than I normally do.

If you have anything you want to see, please do comment!

Thank you and have a great day/night!

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