Chapter Thirty Two

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Wedding Day.

Steve is excited, but butterflies fly around in his stomach as he gets closer and closer to the time the ceremony starts.

He always gets butterflies for Bucky, it's been like that since they were kids. Nothing really changed except now, he gets to marry his best friend and he couldn't be happier.

Steve and Bucky decided to make their own vows, and it took Steve weeks to come up with something he actually liked. He'd be lying if he said he didn't have to the trash out of his trash can three times when he was writing them.

Bucky on the other hand, he knew what he was going to write the second they started planning the wedding. Or when Steve proposed to him. He always knew what he was going to say to Steve if he ever got the chance to marry him, and now here it is.

The day he's finally marrying his Stevie.

Both men slept a part from each other, per Steves request because he's a little superstitious. Bucky didn't mind, but he did try to convince Steve it was nonsense before he agreed to sleep somewhere else so that they wouldn't see each other before the wedding.

Bucky was on the the other side of the compound from where the wedding was being held as Steve decided he wanted to make sure the catering and flowers went to their respective spots, despite Bucky's protest of Steve needing to relax.

Steve was standing outside watching people move around placing flowers in the mason jars, flowers along the aisle and the caterers setting up the food on the table its placed at. He smiles as he sees everyone coming together, he is beyond excited to be marrying Bucky and now everything looks like how he wanted.

Steve walks back into the avengers compound and back to his room. Last night he slept alone, he hasn't slept without Bucky next to him in a long time and it wasn't easy for him to fall asleep either.

But he is too superstitious to have Bucky sleep next to him. He won't be seeing Bucky until the ceremony which is in a few hours.

In the meantime, Bucky is working out since the guest rooms are towards that side of the avengers compound.

He's ready to marry Steve.

He would like to marry Steve right now if it meant they could see one another. Which is why he's working out, because if he doesn't stay busy, he's going to wander and most likely he's going to end up seeing Steve. And as much as he wants to, he won't for Steve's sake.

And Bucky is working out because Steve, once again, Steve is taking over wedding planning and setting up, much to Bucky's dismay.

But his workout stops because he sees Natasha walking towards him. "What's up Nat?"

Natasha stops, and gives Bucky a look. "You have one hour until you need to be walking down the altar, you need to go shower and get ready because we have someone coming to cut that hair," Nat tells Bucky, putting a hand on her hip because he should've known this already.

Bucky freezes, "wait, I only have an hour? I have been in here that long?" Bucky didn't realize he was in the gym that long, he must've been in his head and daydreaming for a while that the time skipped by.

"Get going Barnes, you will be walking down that aisle in an hour whether I have to drag you down it myself," Natasha speaks back to him.

Bucky nods and begins to run back to the guest room he is staying in to go shower. Once he's back in his room he grabs a towel and heads to the bathroom. He turns on the shower, strips his clothes and hops in, letting the hot water hit his skin.

The water runs down his body, relaxing him and and his tense muscles. He knows he can't spend long in the shower because he knows Natasha will star barging in to rush him, so he quickly washes his hair and body before turning the water off.

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