Chapter Three

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You left me Steve, you left me here.

Come save me.

I need you.


Steve woke up in a halt. He looked around and saw the time, 4:30am. He had slept about 6 and half hours before having this dream/nightmare.

All Steve could think about was Bucky and that he needed him so he went to his computer, bought a plane ticket to Wakanda. He leaves in about an hour.

Steve got up, packed a suit case full of clothes, his shaving and bathing necessities and he grabbed an extra pair of shoes. He closed the suitcase, put on black sweat pants, a blue hoodie and his white sneakers and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth with a spare toothbrush he had.

After he was done, he grabbed paper to leave a note saying,
To whoever finds this,
I went a on a trip, don't bother come looking for me I might be gone for a while. Tell Tony that if he tracks me and my phone that I'll be sure to be gone by the time I come back, if I decide to. Text me if you need me and see you soon.

Steve picked up the note, his suit case and his phone and headed out to the commons. He set the note on the kitchen counter and went to the elevator to head to the lobby.

As soon as he got down he went outside and began a 5 minute walk to the airport. Steve arrives and he goes through security and to the gate where the plane to Wakanda is and boards the plane.

Soon the plane takes off for the 12 hour flight and Steve looks out his window, longing for being back in Wakanda, with his best friend.

Meanwhile, back in the Avengers Tower, Natasha is the first to wake up and she heads to the kitchen to start making waffles for the team. As She's walking, she see a note that wasn't there last night. She goes over and reads the note and she sees that it is from Steve.

She finishes reading the note and she tells FRIDAY, "Get the team that is in the tower here, now. I don't care if they're asleep, this is urgent."

"Will do, Agent Romanoff" Friday said over the speaker.

Five minutes later Clint, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, and Stephen Strange come piling into the kitchen area.

"Nat, what is so urgent that you have us up at nine in the morning?" Tony asks, as he yawns. He was finally able to fall asleep and then Nat has him wake up.

Nat sighs and says, "it's Steve. He left a note saying he's going on a trip."

"Does it say when he will be back?" Bruce asks with a concerned look on his face.

"No it's doesn't, it says we can text him but if Tony tracks him, he will leave for good." Nat replies looking back at the note.

Tony looks up, "so your telling me that cap doesn't want us to track him but he won't tell us where he's going? This doesn't make sense, why would he just up and leave?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I just hope he is okay, he shouldn't be alone" Natasha replies and the group nodded their head in unison, hoping their leader was alright.

All the avengers except Natasha went back to their room to get ready, and Natasha stayed to make waffles.

About ten minutes later, the waffles are done and the avengers are all gathered around their table eating and discussing what they should do about Steve.

"Should we go search for him? Look at places where we think he might be, he didn't tell us that we couldn't go searching for him" Wanda said as an idea.

"He could have went somewhere tropical, I mean he hasn't been many places he was frozen for 70 years" Tony said after a bite of waffles.

Natasha said, "doesn't he draw? There could be indications in there as to where he went since he likes drawing a lot."

Vision looked up and mumbled, "what if Captain Rogers went to Wakanda to see Sergeant Barnes?" All heads turned to Vision thinking that Steve most likely went there.

"If he did, he would be arriving sometime this evening depending on when he left. I can get the Quinjet ready, I'll program it to make us get there in six hours, not twelve." Tony replies standing up to work on the Quinjet programming.

"Alright. I guess we are taking a trip to Wakanda, I'll tell King T'Challa we are on our way." Nat said getting up to text the King and pack a bag. "I'll also tell Sharon, she can come too." Everyone nodded and headed out of the room to pack for the little trip.

All of the avengers start making their way to the Quinjet and board it. Clint took the pilot seat as Stephen, Tony, and Sharon board the plane. Wanda, Vision, Bruce and Nat were already on the plane waiting to take off. They were leaving at ten so they would arrive roughly around when Steve would arrive in Wakanda, since Tony has it to only take 6 hours.

Clint closed the hatch and started to take off, five minutes later, he had FRIDAY put it into auto-pilot mode so he could be in the back with the rest of his friends.

Clint went over and sat next to Natasha who had her head on Bruce's shoulder, fast asleep. Vision and Wanda were asleep next to each other, Tony was sleeping in a chair he had, Sharon was looking out the window, and Stephen was meditating. Bruce was also asleep against Natasha's head. Clint looked around and smiled contently at his friends before he fell into a blissful sleep for the next few hours.

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