Chapter Five

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It's been a week since Steve and the avengers came to Wakanda. Steve hasn't really left the lab except to use the bathroom, shower, eat food, and when he needs a workout.

Natasha and Tony would come in and check on him occasionally to make sure he was doing okay, strike up conversations and what not to help him but other than that, he stayed put.

Sharon would also come and sit with him, comfort him and talk with him. Steve appreciated it, all of them coming in and checking up on him, but Sharon, Nat and Tony mostly for talking and comforting him.

When Steve was alone, he'd tell Bucky about some of the memories from back in the 30s and 40s, thinking Bucky could hear him. Steve knew that wasn't possible, but he sure did hope.

"Why don't you just back out? It saves you from getting beaten up so badly" a taller kid than Steve said as he punched Steve in the cheek. Steve fell to the ground and the bully took it as a chance to kick him in the stomach.

Steve got up and rasped out, "I can do this all day." He raised his hands up preparing to fight this taller and much stronger kid.

The bully came at Steve, punching him until he was on the ground, then proceed to kick him and step on his left arm. Steve felt is wrist snap as he yelped in pain, knowing this fight was a bad one. 

Steve was about to get hit again when a voice was heard behind the bully. "How about you pick on someone your own size?" The mysterious voice ordered, a bit of anger in the voice.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do if I continue huh?" The bully challenged.

The boy with the mysterious voice started to walk forward to the bully, when he got there he grabbed the bully's shoulders and shoved him.

The bully quickly got up, scared that he'd get beaten, and ran out of the alley. Once the boy who shoved him knew he was gone, he walked over to the small blond to help him up.

He offered Steve a hand, which he gladly took and said, "thanks, I'm Steve."

"I'm James, but people call me Bucky. Why would someone the size of you, pick a fight with a kid like that bully?" Bucky asked.

"He was teasing and messing with a group of girls, he shouldn't of been doing that. But I had the bully on the ropes" Steve exclaimed. He also added, " I didn't really need the help, but I appreciate it."

Bucky looked down at Steve, seeing the major how got difference between them. "That was kind of you to stick up for them. But I'm not sure I agree with you having him on the ropes" Bucky chuckled and continued, " Also you're welcome, he shouldn't be picking on kids." 

Steve started to walk, Bucky next to him as they walked out of the alley.

The day that Steve and Bucky met. A day Steve knew he wouldn't forget.

Steve sighed, he has been here too long. He needed to get back home, he needed to train and needed to think. Steve got up and looked to Bucky beyond the glass. "I'll be back soon, pal because I'm with you 'till the end of the line. See you soon."

Steve patted the glass and walked out of the lab, giving Bucky one more smile and went to the commons where his friends would most likely be.

He walked in to the laughter and chatter filled room, he went straight to Natasha to whisper in her ear. He got over to her, bent down and whispered, "I think I'm ready to go home. I am kind of tired of being here, I've also come at peace that he's here and safe so let's go home soon."

Natasha looked up at him, smiled, and replied, "okay, let's tell the rest and we can leave tomorrow morning."

Natasha looks away and turns back to their friends. She spoke up, "Your highness, I'm sorry for the late notice but we have decided we will leave tomorrow and we will also be taking Steve with us. Thank you for letting us stay this long."

Everyone in the room except for T'Challa is shocked, they thought it would take Steve longer to come to terms but they were wrong. Clint throws a fist in the air and grinned, "ha! Pay up Tony, I knew wouldn't be here for more than two weeks!" Tony mumbled something and handed him ten bucks as Clint was jumping out of his seat.

"It's good to hear you're going back home, Captain. Please do come back soon, in about two or three weeks Shuri should have something and I expect that you want to see him when he gets out, we will text you when we do have a final formula for Mr. Barnes" T'Challa announces, standing up to go to the kitchen.

Steve and the others followed him and Steve grinned. "I'll be sure that I will be here when he gets out, he'll need a familiar face." Steve was excited, Bucky could be free soon and he couldn't wait to see him out of the chamber.


Steve and the avengers plus Sharon boarded the Quinjet after they said their goodbyes to T'Challa and his family, Steve explaining that he will be back for when Bucky is ready to get of the cryo. Tony and Clint were at the pilot seats, getting ready to close the hatch and take off. Everyone was on the jet, Tony closed the hatch and Clint proceeded to ascend into the air.

After they took off, it went into co-pilot mode and Clint wanted to do something fun. "Hey guys, how about we play games or something while we wait to get back home?" Clint asked, getting nervous at their reaction.

"Sure, lets do it." All of the avengers said in unison.

So they started to play random games, from two truths one lie, what are the odds, truth or dare, and would you rather before they were back in New York.

As the jet was landing, Steve realized he had a couple of things to do and since it was his turn to go grocery shopping, he was going to do that as well. 2:00pm, I should have enough time, Steve thought.

All of the avengers got off the jet and went into the tower. They all got in the elevator, to ride up to the 49th floor. As the doors opened they all went to their rightful rooms but Steve just set his bag down and went back to the elevator since he was going to go shopping for the food they needed, go to the a sports store to get my tape for his hands for the punching bag, and to get a coffee.

Steve went to the parking garage to get a car, he went to a black 1969 Mustang and hopped in. He started the engine and took off to the grocery store.

About ten minutes later, Steve arrives at the grocery store. He parks the car and gets out to head into the store. Steve grabs a shopping cart and heads to the pop tart aisle because if he didn't pick those up, Thor would knock him out the next time he came to the tower. He grabs strawberry pop tarts and s'mores pop tarts and puts them in the cart.

Steve was about to move further down the aisle when he felt a slight pinch at the back of his neck, and then his vision became blurry, then black. Before he felt to the ground, he knew something wasn't about to go down well.

He knew he was in trouble.

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