Chapter Six

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Steve slowly opened up his eyes. He felt groggy and couldn't remember what happened. The last thing he felt was a pinch in the back of his neck then it became dark.

Steve realized he was in a dark room, it was cold and you could hear water dripping in one of the corners.

Steve tried to stand up, but he quickly fell again and saw that he was in chains, really strong handcuffs, and more thick chains that connected to the wall. He felt like an animal.

All of a sudden a door slid open, probably metal, and in came a group of men with one female.

The female steps forward. "Hey pumpkin" the female said as she took another step to be in the light.


"What do you want, Sharon?" Steve sneered. He didn't like this, he didn't know what he did.

Sharon walks closer to Steve which makes him flinch and replies, "I wanted you, pumpkin. But since you seem to be in love with Bucky, I'm going to give you hell, just like him."

Sharon turns around and signals the men to do what Sharon told, while she walks out of the room.

All of the men start to attack Steve like he's a sack of potatoes, not caring what they are doing him. They punch him, kick him anwhere and everywhere to the point where Steve starts to cough up blood.

Once they are satisfied, they stop beating him, but they instead rip Steve's shirt in half. Steve's chest gets hit with the cold air around him, making him shiver.

He has to stay strong, he doesn't give up and as long as Bucky is okay, he's fine with getting tortured. Steve looks up at the men dressed in all black. "What are you going to do? All of you guys are too weak to do anything so hit me with your worst" Steve spat.

And so that's what they did.

The tallest man took a knife and started to make cuts all around Steve's body, each getting deeper than the one before. Steve clenched his teeth as he tried to not scream at the pain it gave him.

The second man started to punch and kick Steve again. "You." kick to the stomach. "Are." Kick to his chest. "Worthless." Apunch to the jaw. The man kept punching and kicking him.

Steve was going to say something, but he took a blow to the head which knocked him out.


"What do you think happened to him? He went to go get groceries and he isn't back yet. It's been 3 hours!" Tony yelled, worried laced in his voice as the captain hasn't returned.

"What's going on? Did I miss something?" Peter asks as he's coming out of the elevator.

"Steve has gone missing and we don't know what happened, where he is, and if someone kidnapped him or not. We tried to track his phone and it's last known connection is the grocery store, that's all we got so far." Nat acknowledged, she was trying to keep a brave face but deep down, she was worried.

"Okay, I'll help you guys because I've got nothing better to do, and I actually liked Steve." Peter replied.

Tony sat up and instructed, "well, lets go down my lab and see if we can spot anything and see if there is any lead on where Steve disappeared to." The avengers all stood and followed Tony down to the lab.


Steve slowly started to wake up. This time instead of being on the floor, he was in a chair, still tightly chained and tied up. He was cold since the group of men ripped his shirt off earlier.

He raised his head back down, wanting to save his energy for something worse when he heard the door slide open. No, not again, he thought to himself.

He raised his head and what he saw in front of him, he wished he could get out of this chair.

Zemo was in front of him.

Steve got angry, Zemo was the one that tortured Bucky and Steve wanted to make him pay.

Zemo steppes forward towards Steve, giving him a mischievous smile. "Hello, Captain America. You're gonna cooperate with us, yes?"

"What do you want?" Steve spat, anger filled his voice.

"All I want is information. You took our beloved Winter Soldier away, I would like him back but I hear that you're trying to get rid of his trigger words from his brain. And since I know you won't let Sergeant Barnes come back, we took you in hopes you'll fulfill the duties of being our weapon. First we are going to get information from you about the rest of your reckless squad you call The Avengers" Zemo demanded.

"I won't give you information, you'll just use it to destroy them."

Zemo ran his hand across Steve, circling him which made Steve shiver. "Oh, but you will. Yes I intend to destroy them because Hydra will rule this world and you're going to help me. Oh how your friends will be devastated when they see their precious captain ruining the world they are supposed to be saving."

Zemo also added, "so, lets start with Tony Stark, hmm? The infamous hero with a big ego."

Steve looked up at Zemo and assured, "I am not going to tell you anything about anyone so you mine as well just leave."

Zemo sighed. He instructed, "very well then. Guys, go ahead and water board him."

Zemo walked out of the room while four men walked up to Steve in his chair.

The strongest one went behind him and yanked his head back while two other stood beside him and put a towel over his face. The final man had buckets of water lined up to be poured over him.

The two men held the towel while the strong one held Steve's head. Then the fourth man started to pour water over the towel on Steve's face.

Steve started to cough and slowly tarted to have trouble breathing. No, not again, please not like me getting frozen again.

Steve felt like he was drowning as more and more water started to get poured over him. So cold. So so cold. Steve kept coughing and was struggling for air, that only made the four Hydra men happier. Seeing the strong, righteous, and fearless captain struggling to breathe was amusing.

Several minutes later, the men of Hydra ran out water so they took the towel off and walked away and out of the room. Steve spit out the remaining water and started to cough, hoping that they wouldn't come back, he didn't know if he could take it again.

Please come soon. I don't know how long I'll last, I just know I won't share your secrets. Steve thought, hoping the avengers could hear that, knowingly it wasn't possible.

I'll stay strong, I'm doing this for you, Buck. I don't want you to go through this again so I'll handle it. And with that, Steve passed out due to exhaustion of almost drowning.

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