Chapter Twenty

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Sorry for the time skips but I kind of wanted to speed things up a tad, trust me there will be more slower chapters but right here's another time skip.

It's been about a month. It's December 24th and the tower is all decorated in Christmas decorations except for one thing: Mistletoe.

Bruce, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Stephen, Bucky, Tony and Steve were all seated in the living room watching a Christmas movie. It was 2:00 and people started to get hungry so, Steve volunteered to get some snacks. Tony decided to get up and help him. They weren't having dinner until later so it was reasonable.

Steve walked into the kitchen, Tony close behind but Tony stopped at the doorway as Steve started to gather snacks. He noticed this, however, so he spoke up, "are you going to help Tony?"

"Yes give me a minute" Tony mumbled as he fiddled with the thing in his hand. It was, in fact, mistletoe. Tony hung it up over the doorway and quickly moved to help Steve.

They grabbed chip bowls and put chips in half of the bowls then the other filled with popcorn or pretzels. Steve was just about to walk out when Tony called out to him. "Wait a minute wait for me!" Tony said to him.

Steve was stopped in the doorway and Tony caught up to him and stopped as well, but Tony looked up which moved Steve's eyes to look up as well.

Steve was annoyed. Nonetheless, Tony opens his mouth, "well would you look at that, Rogers."

Steve started to walk away, he called back behind to him. "Nope, not happening Tony" he said, clearly not in the mood.

"But it's the rules!" Tony started to speed walk to him, Steve stopped in the midpoint of the room where the kitchen and living room were to turn back around.

"I don't care, I'm not kissing you" Steve looked at Tony, not wanting to do what Tony wanted.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't have to!" Steve raised his voice, catching the rest of his friends attention on accident. Steve blushed, embarrassed because he didn't want to do that, yet he did.

So, Steve walked away to continue to the living room to put the snack on the table, but Tony wasn't having it. "That's a really bad excuse, Capsicle, you'll have to give me more than that!" He yelled at him as he continued to follow him.

"Fine." Steve slammed the bowls onto the table and walked back to the kitchen doorway, Bucky was worried what he was going to do so he followed, same with Natasha. Tony followed him, thinking he was going to get kissed and the rest of the team followed, intrigued into the conversation more than the movie.

Steve was under the doorway and a smiling Tony joined him. Steve rolled his eyes at that. "I'm not kissing you" he said to him. Tony looked confused but, it perked Bucky's interest, glad Steve wasn't going to do that. However, he didn't expect what was about to happen next.

Tony questioned Steve, "why not?" Steve just smiled at him before Steve turned to the group and looked at Bucky. Bucky gave him a confused look, but Steve grabbed Bucky's arm and pulled him. Once he was close enough, Steve dipped him and connected their lips in front of everyone. No one had enough time to react at Steve but once they saw the action, they all gasped.

Tony gasped, jaw dropped while Nat and Wanda squealed in excitement. Everyone started talking.

"I knew it!"

"I never saw that coming."

"Finally! I've been waiting for them to be together!"

"Well done, Rogers."

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