Nicole Hayley Mikaelson

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It had been a week and a half and Josie was finally allowed to take their daughter home. Hope entered the room with a new stroller for Nicole.

"My love, you look so beautiful" she said and kissed her lips. She turned to see her daughter and smiled.

"And you my precious one are the most cutest and adorable little baby. You are so beautiful.. yes you are my little princess" she cooed her little diamond.

Josie watch as her love was talking to their daughter her heart flutters and she felt nothing but happiness. At the age of 17 and 19 she and her love became parents. Still they manage to study while taking care of their baby.

Hope put Nicole in her stroller and took Josie's bag and on her shoulder while the brunette pushed the baby.

When they got to the school they where greeted by the other students and even received some flowers and gifts for their daughter.

"Oh my god she is so adorable and she looks just like the both of you" one of the students say. As they got stopped by nearly everyone Penelope was watching from afar.

She hated the fact that Josie had moved on with Hope Mikaelson. Jealously was lingering in her heart and she wanted the brunette back but she knew she couldn't do anything then to watch everything unfold infront of her. She couldn't blame anyone but herself, she was the one who cheated on her and broke her heart. The only thing she could give her now was her happiness.

Landon Kirby watch as Hope was smiling and was happy with Josie. They had created a child together and he was mad that he was pinning after someone who didn't even care about him. He felt jealous that someone else made her happy.

As the two went upstairs to their quarter they where suprised by the big welcome home party for Nicole.

"SUPRISE" they shouted and was met by their family. Hope was happy to see her uncel Kol and aunt Davina being back from Paris.

"Oh my look at that little girl, she looks just like the two of you" Kol said as he looked at the baby that was smiling at him and Davina.

Nicole was handed down from person to person. They all was waiting for their time to take her and talk to her.

Both Hope and Josie was lucky to have friends and family that was there for them.

As Hope watch her friends and family taking care of her daughter she took the opportunity to take Josie to their room and have some alone time.

She pulled Josie into a hug and kissed her with passion. Josie moans and takes her arms around her neck.

"I love you Josie, more then anything in this world. You and Nicole are my everything and I want to marry you someday when you are ready" she said and Josie smiled wide as the hears that Hope wants to marry her someday.

"When the day comes and you propose I will happily says yes because I really want to be your wife" she says and Hope is happy hear that.

"We should go and join our family. We can have our alone time when Nicole is sleeping" she said and Hope nodded.

Later that night Hope and Josie was in bed cuddling while Nicole was sleeping.

"I can't belive that we are parents now. We have a daughter in that other room" Josie says and smiled.

"Yes we are and she is as beautiful as her mama" Hope says and kisses her girl.

Josie instantly blush at Hope's sweet talk and the tribrid knew what to say to her.

"I wonder what kind of power she will get. I hope she becomes a tribrid like you. That way I know she will be as strong as you and that she will be able to take care of herself when we are not with her" Josie says and Hope smiles at this.

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