The Gate Keeper

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Bonnie Bennett was back at the gate of the Afterlife. Well technically not the afterlife but where the portal between life and dead.

"O fuck.. not again" she mutters to herself.

She knew this place pretty well and she knew her path to her old cottage by the river. She built it together with Damon when they both ended up here for reason even she didin't wanna remeber.

She entered her cottage that was heated up and a meal was ready to be served.

"Hello.. is someone here" she shouted out.

She looked around but couldn't find anyone until she heard the back door opens. She kept quiet and hid behind the counter in the kitchen. All she saw was someone's boots but she quickly recognized them.

"Hello love, you can come out from your hiding spot" the familiar vocie said.

She got up from the floor and she was now face to face with the only man she ever loved.

"Enzo" she whispers and tears was falling from down from her eyes.

"Hello my love, I've been waiting for you" he said with a smile.

For the first time since the twins 4th birthday they where finally back together again.

After having a heated love session the two layed in bed talking about what she had been up to late. She told him about her around the world traveling stories and the places that she had been, people she had met and how the became the headmistress after Josette asked her to take over for her. She loved to teach at the Salvatore school and how the twins and Hope had grown up to be the most powerful beings in the supernatural world and how she actually became a grandmother through Hope and Josie's daughter Nicole.

She told him about how Josie and Hope was soulmates and had been looking for each other and once they meet Josie would always end up dying and Hope become a widower. The game Thanatos was making them play and how his cousin Morpheus was trying to help them stay together without interfering their life's.

"I know Morpheus" he said and Bonnie was suprised.

"What? How?" She asked him.

"He brought me here, he told me that you would come and you would stay with me for 4 days and then he would be back to speak to you" he said and she was so confused.

"What? When?" She was getting irritated.

"Yesterday, he should be here in an hour or so" Enzo said and was not trying to piss her off.

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