819 82 14

Rose's POV

"You can't keep yourself waiting in the shadows, wondering whether it would work out between you two."

Jennie's words echoed in my head as I look at the entrance of The Cradle. JK had told me not to go here but I had to follow what my friends are saying.

"Okay, Rose Anne," I told myself as I walk towards the bar, "let's go inside and have that talk."

The same ambience greeted me inside. Compared before, there are fewer customers. I think because it's still a bit early. I looked around to find JK, but he seems not be here yet.

"Rose Anne?"

I turned and saw Jake the bartender. I smiled at him and went to the front bar. "Can I have the same drink you gave me before?"

"Sure," he said and took a glass. A man in his 30s entered and called Jake. "The manager's calling me. I'll ask Hans to get you the drink," he told me and approached the bartender who is working at the far end before going to the manager.

"Here's your mojito, miss," Hans said and handed me a glass with slightly bluish drink, but with the same lemon and mint.

"Thanks!" I took a sip as I look around, hoping to see JK. A few minutes had passed, and I had already finished the drink.

"Here's another one miss," Hans said and gave me a glass of similar drink. "It seems Jake won't be here anytime, are you okay drinking alone?"

"Yes, I came here for JK, he's a waiter," I said.

"Ah, I see. I thought you're Jake's girlfriend." He laughed then went to mix drinks again.

I sipped my drink in silence, while checking my phone for the time. It's already 6:40pm, I wonder when JK will come. I drained my glass. I don't know if I had too much of this cold drink but it seems like I'm getting a brain freeze. My head is getting light and my mind feels hazy. I took a deep breath, why am I feeling hot? Is the air conditioning off? A while ago it was cold---

My phone buzzed.

I blinked as my eyes seem out of focus. Elise had sent me a message. I scratched my eyes because my vision is blurred.


I closed my eyes forcefully and opened them again to stare at the message.

Why can I not read properly?!?!


I looked up. My surroundings are turning.

A familiar sensation grappled my body. It's as if I had just ridden a roller coaster, my stomach is giving a rumble and I can feel my insides turning.

I clutched my mouth. I'm going to throw up!

"Rose Anne?" I heard Jake's voice but he seemed so distant. When I turned my head towards his direction, my world spun and I almost fell from the chair. "Hey!" I felt Jake had clutched me. "Are you okay?" He is saying something but I could not comprehend it.

"Wa---ter---" I tried speaking but my throat seems dry and my insides burning. I want to throw up but I can't. I haven't felt like this before. Where is JK? I'm getting scared already... Am I going to die?

"---call him---"

"---told you no rum!---"


"---JK Alison's number---"

"---put her down inside---"

I felt strong arms lifted me, and I can hear noises around me. But my eyelids are too heavy and my head is so light. I can hear Jake's voice but I don't know what he is saying----and then everything went blank.

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