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Rose's POV

One can definitely feel the pressure in the air exactly one week before the performance. The school has suspended all the classes to give us plenty of time to rehearse until the last minute. HAHS's open stage is being decorated, and we often come across many significant alumni who are taking part in the school's anniversary celebration this year, and our previous club officers come and see the practice to help. This is the time of the year that I envy those students who have no clubs, because they just focus on the booths, and not have this feeling of having close to nervous breakdowns.

"Miley, you're off tone," I said and repeated the note in the piano. "Get it a little higher, like this."

"Okay prez," and she tried again. She'll be singing 214. She tried the part again and this time she hit it correctly.

"That's right!"

She smiled, "Thank you prez."

"Continue practicing with the others," I stood and went to Van who is rehearsing with Jennie. He will be the angel, and Jennie will be the girl he loved. "Give a more emotional facial expression, Van." 

"Like this?" he made a face like someone getting constipation. Both Jennie and I burst out laughing.

"You look like an idiot," Jennie said, sitting down and massaging her legs. She has a part where she will run and then fall on the floor because in the storyline, she would be hit by a car.

"Are you hurt?" Van asked, kneeling down and massaging her legs for her.

"Hey, it's alright," Jennie said, looking at me, "Rose is looking."

"Why?" I asked.

"He's your boyfriend right?" Jennie laughed.

Van looked at me shyly.

"I was kidding," Jennie said, then stood again.

"It's alright, even I am used to it," I said, nudging Van. "Don't go around telling you're my boyfriend okay?"

"I only tell it to Jen," Van said in a low voice.

"Okay," I turned to the others. "Let's have another rehearsal from the top, then we'll wrap up."

Everyone got on the platform we put in the music room to be our "stage." I sat down to play the piano. JK stood beside me. He is our director, but he will be singing too.

We were in the middle of the story when JK raised a hand. "I think Van needs more emotion."

Van raised an eyebrow. "Which part?"

"All the part." JK crossed his arms. "Particularly the part you're looking at her."

We all looked from JK to Van. I cleared my throat, "I think--"

"Alright, I will do it again," Van said and took his position. "I will imagine looking at Rose." He winked at me. Taking this as a cue that nothing is wrong, we laughed, except for JK who just nodded.

The rehearsal went on, and after a few repetition and demonstration, we finished the storyline. Eunice clapped the hardest when I announced we could wrap up.

"Sorry prez, I am really hungry," she told me. 

"Goodbye prez!" "Bye prez!" "See you all guys!"

"Okay see you tomorrow, rest well!"

Van approached me, "I'll be going first, Rose Anne. My manager is waiting for me outside."

"Alright. Good night Van, and thank you for the hardwork."

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