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Rose's POV

I gave myself an ultimatum.

If, by the time Mom goes home, and JK is still treating me coldly like before----I would do it. I will ask him what it really is between us.

But if not, well, I... I don't know what to do. I mean... If he suddenly becomes sweet and everything, I might just die.

I laughed silently at my own stupid thought.

"Why are you laughing?" snapped Jasmine.

It's the first day of the holiday break, and I am sitting here in the living room with Jasmine who is watching a Netflix movie in her laptop. We supposed to have an out of town with Auntie but she suddenly have an appointment that she cannot cancel. So here we are, passing time while doing our things. Jaz is watching her favorite movie while I am here, daydreaming.

Footsteps came from behind, and even without looking, I know it's JK.

"Hey, bro! Have you watched this yet?" Jasmine asked. I saw JK sat beside her and messed her hair. "Argh! Why do you always do that to my hair?" The kid glared at her brother and moved away from him.

JK just smirked then stretched his legs. Before he could look at me, I looked away.


I stared at my fingernails.

I felt a candy flew towards me. I frowned and looked at JK. Did he just threw a candy at me???

"What?" I asked.

"My friends are coming over."

I frowned even deeply. Why is he telling me that...? Then it dawned on me. His friends are coming. Shoot. They don't know I am here.

I sat up and nodded, "Ah, right. What time are they coming?"

"After lunch," he said.

I nodded again. "Alright." I guess I will just stay in my room then.

"Who are coming?" Jasmine asked.

"My friends. Jim and PRM," JK is still looking at me.

"I thought you were going somewhere?" asked Jasmine without looking at him.

JK did not answer, but he frowned at his sister. "Can't you go and watch that in your room?"

"Why? I don't have a sofa in my room."

JK reached for the laptop and flipped it close. "Go upstairs."

Jasmine started to protest but seeing her brother's half-glare, she obeyed, stomping her feet while climbing the stairs. After a few seconds, we heard the door banged.

I grimaced while shaking my head at him, "They're not coming anytime soon, why did you send Jaz away?"

"Because she's nosy," he stood.

I sighed. Just what is the connection of my question to his answer?

Sighing, I stood.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Upstairs? I will just stay in my room--"

"I sent my sister away so we can talk. Now you're leaving?"

I stared at JK. He sat beside me, then tapped the place where I was seated a while ago. "Sit down."

"I... Uhm... I am---" I was not able to finish my sentence because he pulled my hand and forced me to sit down. I pulled my hand in case Jasmine sees us. "Why?"

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