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We need to have a theme, maybe like a musical...

Fairy tale? Magical? A love story?

I sighed. It's been past 4 pm and I am still here in our room, scribbling idly on my notebook while racking my brain about the possible style of performance we're going to have. I really wanted my club mates to get on stage too. But... We only got a very small amount of time. How would that be possible?

And... We need to atleast fill in the three vacancies that we now have. We're now down to fifteen, and we can't bear to go one member less. Or else...

We won't even step on that damn stage.

If Dad can see what is happening with his previous club right now, I bet he won't be proud of me.

My phone buzzed and I distracted myself from the thoughts. It's a message from Elise.

[Sure you don't wanna come?]

I replied yes.

Few seconds later, I got a reply.

[Okayy. You need to focus. Fighting!]

I smiled grimly upon myself. Sue and Elise are going to watch a dance competition in a private school. Sue's cousin, whom I don't know, is performing. Elise wanted to come because you know, dancing is life for her.

I was picturing Elise while watching when I heard knocks on the door. I immediately looked up and almost dropped from my seat.

"J-JK?" I murmured.

He's standing on the doorway, forehead slightly crunching, and looking as if I told the lamest joke. I gathered myself from shock and breathed in deeply.

"What is it?" I said casually, and I can hear a faint nervous tone in my voice. I hope he didn't catch that!

"Aren't you going home?" He sounded impatient.


Is he... asking me... TO GO HOME WITH HIM?!

"Don't even think I am asking you to go home with me. It's just mom said she and Jasmine won't be home early so there's no dinner prepared."

I nodded.

So I need to eat dinner outside.

He looked away. "Do you cook?"


"Are you deaf or what?" He seemed irritated.

Did I ask him to talk to me?

"I am asking if you can cook." He is frowning at me.

"I can cook, yes... But..."

"Good. Go home early and cook dinner for us," he said then went out.

Replay: "Good. Go home early and cook dinner for us."

For us.



"There's an "us"?" I asked stupidly and I stood. He's already walking away. I took my bag and ran after him.



I stopped and saw Vaness walking towards me. He passed by JK, and smiled at me.

"Going home?"

I looked at JK's retreating back. If I stop now, I won't catch up with him. I smiled at Van. "Yes. Uhm--"

"I'll send you home," he said.

Van is smiling sincerely at me. He looks very expectant too. I can't just turn him down! T^T

Step to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora