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Rose's POV

My phone beeped successively. I yawned, got up, and checked the time. It's 8:16 am. I looked out the window, and the sunlight hit my face. I sighed and went out of bed.

I got home at 1am, because the program ended at 12:30. We waited for Van and Jennie's award presentation, which is at the very end of the event, that's why I went home very late. Good thing Jennie let me ride in her car, I had the opportunity to avoid JK.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Ever since that night when Aunt Annaly and JK got into a heated argument, I haven't faced him properly. I mean, I intentionally avoid him because I know he might get uncomfortable. Auntie seemed to notice it, but she doesn't say anything. She just give me a sighing smile whenever I am in the same room with JK and he isn't talking to me. I know we both understand JK. I just hope he stopped being so cold to his mom.

I took my phone from the bedside table and checked the messages. Two texts from Sue, one from Elise, and two from Jennie. I opened Jennie's message first.

[Good morning! Let everything go. It's a new day~]

[Btw, about the team dinner, champagne's on me!]

I laughed. Wait 'til I tell Elise we'll have Paris-brewed champagne. I opened Sue's text.

[My head aches. I'm going to be late today]

[Bring me chocolates ^u^ Mwah!!!]

I made a mental note to bring Sue a chocolate truffle that Auntie made yesterday. Then I opened the last text from Elise.

[I'm so stupid argh!]

I know her text is sent to all of us. But I wonder what made her send a frustrated message this early?

Ah right, there's something with her and Jim last night. Jim had been mouthing wordlessly at her when we saw him, and Elise, who normally rolls her eyes and curse at Jim, just drew a deep breath and waved lazily at him. 

"Maybe she's still guilty about what happened with his elbow..." But when I watched their performance, Jim moved like nothing's wrong with him. I hope his elbow is really okay.

Sighing, I went to take a bath and prepare for school. Even if it's the last day of the school fest, we still have to go to school for the whole day and participate in the mini events that the other clubs and the student council prepared. Also, today, students from other schools are allowed to enter, because this last day serve as the promotional event for the school, too.

It took me a good twenty minutes to prepare, and when I got down, it's only Mrs. Linda cleaning in the living room. Auntie must have sent Jasmine to school. I wonder if JK had gone to school too.

"Good morning, Rosie!" Mrs. Linda greeted me. "Your breakfast is on the table."

"Good morning, Mama Linda, and thank you," I said and went to the dining area. I was busy putting lots of chocolate syrup in my pancake when JK entered. He went straight to the fridge and took a glass of juice. He sat opposite me. He's also going to school, he got his bag ready on one of the chairs. "Good morning," I greeted him.

"'Morning," he answered, then drank half of his juice. When he set the glass down, he looked at me. "Why didn't you wait for me last night?"

"Er, I went with Jennie. Don't worry, I told Auntie so she won't nag at you about it."

He simply looked at me and not say a word.

I continued eating, and when I finished my pancake, I stood. "I'm going--"

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