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Rose's POV

I was staring blankly at the opened fridge. I can say this is one lucky fridge because I could whip almost everything from the ingredients we have here, including there in our pantry. The only problem is that... I'm not much of a cook.

Sighing, I took out a pack of beef. Shall I make beefsteak?

Just then, Jasmine come in to the kitchen, looking grumpier than usual. I know she'd rather have JK with her than me but what can we do? Her brother preferred going to the party than staying with us here. I stopped at that thought. JK is going with Soyeon Lee at the party.

"Rose Anne, aren't you worried about JK? You know it's a party..."

Elise's words echoed in my mind.

Well, Rose Anne, you should be worrying about your dinner tonight. JK said he didn't like Soyeon---

"But he did not tell it..." I muttered.

Jasmine nudged me, "Hey, are you deaf? I've been speaking to you here!"

"Oh, sorry Jaz, I was deep in thought. What is it?"

She rolled her eyes, then sat down on one of the chairs, "What do we have for dinner?"

"Nothing yet, I'm still thinking what to make," I said and put the beef in the basin with water to thaw. "Beef steak sounds good, doesn't it?"

"Nah, I only eat steak made by mom," she said stubbornly, "What about we have risotto?"

"Risotto?" Shoot. I don't know how to make risotto.

"Yup. I saw some in the movie I watched and I kinda craved for it." She stared at me for a while then, "Nevermind. You don't know how to make one. Just cook me an egg."

"Who said I can't cook risotto?" I exclaimed.

"You can?"

"Well... I cookbooks," I laughed, "I shall check Auntie's cookbook for a good risotto recipe."

Jasmine sighed and gave me an eyeroll before going out of the kitchen, "Tell me once you're done cooking," she called.

"Alright! You're about to taste the best risotto in all your lifetime," I said with a chuckle.

...or was that an overstatement?

"What's this?" Jasmine asked, ladling her spoon in the food. "I thought you're going to make a risotto? Why is this... a soup?"

"That's a risotto a la Rosa." I winked at her. "Here, you can remove the broth," I added, handing her a small bowl. "Don't worry, it doesn't taste horrible as it looks."

"Ugh," she gave my food a  disgusted look, but then she obeyed. I think she's hungry.

I also started eating. "I think I followed all the steps, I don't know why it turned out like this. But it's better than nothing? Right?"

She just pouted and continued to eat.

"I'm sorry if you're stuck with me tonight," I muttered. "Do you want me to call JK?"

"No. I already called him and he just said he's staying there overnight."

I dropped my spoon. "Overnight?" He's going to be with Soyeon Lee the whole night?

"Yeah," Jasmine sighed, "did you two fight again?"

"No," I answered. "Why?" Should I start to worry now???

"Nothing." Jasmine continued eating, but then after a while, she stood up.

"You're already full?"

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