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Elise's POV

"Are you sure you're going home alone?" Sue gave me a look with a smirk that tells me I'm being ridiculous. It's already almost 9:30pm, and we're still out here waiting for the bus. Then her cousin came up and asked her to ride with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A bus is coming later on," I said, glancing at the driver's seat where her cousin is seated. He gave me a smile and a wave. He looks funny and cool and I must admit his dancing skill is godly. He slayed, men! But no, I would not ride in his car. I don't ride anyone's car.

"Fine, I'll wait with you," Sue said and she was about to get off the car when I appealed.

"No, really, Suey! I can manage. Just go with.. with..." I looked at her cousin.

"Robi." He said, giving me an even wider smile. "Don't you want a ride home?"

Sue gave me a concerned look.

I smiled at her before she can say anything to her cousin. "It's fine, really. I can manage."

Sue nodded, "Okay. But text me up when you got home." Then they went off. I wanted to ride with her of course, but up to now, I'm still afraid of riding cars.

There was this unfortunate thing that happened in the past which makes me not want to ride cars anymore. I even don't want to think about it.

I sat down and waited for the bus. I was scrolling through my DMs when I heard familiar laughter---Inocencio? My head burned with annoyance as I look over to my right where the noise came from.

And right as I am, Jim Inocencio is coming, laughing at something in his phone with JK Alison walking beside him. Another guy is with them, and when they got nearer I recognized him as the student council president, Ramses Montemayor. Well, he looks different without his glasses on. I looked away, pretending not to see them.

"---She sure is touchy, isn't she, huh, JK?" Inocencio giggled. I heard them stop near me. Are they talking about a girl?

"You like her?" Montemayor said. I can't help but glance at them. They still hadn't noticed me because of the signage that blocks me from their view.

JK smiled. "She's cute."

(    •̀ o •́ ) Woah. They're talking about a girl! And Alison said she's cute! Rose Anne needs to hear this! I immediately sent a message to Rose's number.

[Hey! Big news! Your JK has another girl. Haha]

I glanced at JK. He is checking something in his phone and he is smiling! Boom! Got you! Hahah! I was about to take a photo as a proof when an annoying voice called my name.

"Is that... Elise?" Dang. Inocencio saw me.

(ㄴ_ㄴ  ) *pretend to type on the phone*

"Elise! Hoho!" I felt his presence in front of me. "I'm starting to feel like we're destined! We often bump into each other eh?"

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

He laughed. "Just kidding. Anyway, why are you still here? And why are you alone? Where's your friend?"

Why is his mouth so fast?

"None of your concern," I said coldly and stood. The bus is coming.

"Hey, Ram's car is on the way. Want a ride home?"

"No." The bus stopped. I immediately went inside. I saw him looking at me with a frown on his forehead.

JK Alison is also looking at me, and Ram Montemayor is saying something to him. Jim Inocencio is waving at me like we're close. I averted my eyes from them as the bus started to move.

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