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Rose's POV

It's okay, Rose.

I took a deep breath and looked straightly at the guy walking towards me. I was standing here in the middle of the hallway, with a letter on my hands.

This is it, Rose! You can do it. Just give JK the letter and that's it.

He's coming! I held my breath as he comes closer and closer. He is looking at me too, but I can't read the expression on his face. I tried to smile, but decided not to because my face felt like lead.

Here he goes...

I can't help but feel the butterflies come alive and flutter inside my stomach. I am looking at JK Alison, the guy I loved for three years. Ever since that day when he performed in the school opening ceremony in the freshman year, I fell for him. I can still remember the way he danced to the music, his face back then, the fire in his eyes, all the moves, every single moment—everything was captured clearly inside my head as if it was recorded. Maybe that's because I have always been revisiting that moment I saw him—always. Because that was the day I told myself, he is the man I love.

I pulled myself together when he was just a few steps away, and handed the letter over to him----

It's okay, Rose.

You've always been telling that to yourself.

But is it really okay?

No, it's not.

I wiped my face and clenched my fists as I look at the guy standing in front of me. We're in the garden, and I can't believe it's the talk I was about to have with him.

If I could just turn back the time, I would not have involved myself with him.

I should have protested against mom's will, and insisted I'm living on my own.

I should have not tried breaking into his heart.

I should not have believed this fcking---

I wiped my face again, as fresh tears started to fall.

I know I look stupid, crying in front of him like this.

"Why...?" I spoke and my voice came out like a croak.

JK Alison looked at me an irritating calmness in his face.

"Is it fun?" I uttered, "Seeing me excited with just a few words from you? Had it been really entertaining to see me act like a fool, JK Alison?!"

He just stared at me.

"Why do you have to do it to me?! I have tried going away but you keep pulling me---"

"Because you let me."

I covered my mouth with my hands and sobbed. I hate him. I hate this guy.

"I hate you," I said in a whisper.

"Hate me. That's what you should do," he stepped forward. "Hate me and never get near me again, Rose Anne Leighton."

I was crushed. And he's further crushing me into pieces.

I could feel my entire body ache, but it was pain I never felt before.

I turned my back and ran inside the house.

Auntie saw me, "Rosie dear---"

But I ran upstairs without looking at her. I don't care if she learned what happened between her son and me.

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