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chapter three

"Where's the love of my life?!"

Daniel and Harley turned around from where they were still sitting on the grass, Daniel turned his head away to look at his girlfriend Nyssa, who had just came through the back door. It caused one of the M&M's he was supposed to catch with his mouth to fly right against his forehead. Harley's eyes widened and a hand flew to her mouth when Daniel let out a loud screech, causing her to stifle a laugh.

"He's here and he's been shot!" Daniel whined, letting himself fall back onto the grass while clutching his forehead with one hand. "Come save my life Nys, I'm gonna die."

Nyssa laughed loudly, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. "I didn't mean you, I meant Harls," She joked when she finally reached the two best friends, "Although you're a close second."

Daniel's mouth fell agape at his girlfriend's statement and he quickly sat up as the two girls laughed and hugged each other tightly. He smiled softly, knowing that Nyssa joining them was a good cause for Harley. The brunette had known the couple for the longest out of the big friend group she was in due to her and Nyssa working at the same record shop downtown. Harley was introduced to Daniel and the rest of her friends at a pool party at Jonah's place.

That was also the night she met Jack, the two hitting it off immediately after they both got pushed into the pool by Zach and Daniel. Having a nice conversation meanwhile drying themselves off and chilling on the lounge chairs made Harley realize that she felt at ease with Jack and this was one of the reasons she was interested in him from the first time they met. 

Harley excused herself to freshen up a bit, the three of them going out to eat with some of their other friends in about an hour or so. Nyssa took this as a sign to ask her boyfriend about his day with the heartbroken Harley, curious to see how she felt and if she let anything slip. She kissed him hello and toyed with the frayed strings of his jeans before raising her eyebrows.

Daniel knew what she meant by that - dating Nyssa for around three years had its perks. He sighed softly, "She misses him just as much as he misses her, like we predicted," He told her, running a hand through his hair, "I told her I knew her well enough to know she's going to drown in her own feelings if she doesn't meet up with him soon and she told me she hates me for always being right."

Nyssa smiled before nodding, "That seems like the best thing to do for them both," She agreed, silencing herself down when she noticed Harley had came back to the yard, an oversized leather jacket hanging over her shoulders and a nice white satin slip dress matching it. A thin layer of clear lipgloss covered her lips and she smiled softly when Nyssa held out her hand for Harley to take, spinning the girl around to take a good look at her best friend. "Ooooh, she looks like a four course meal."

"I told you wearing white might not have been the best decision!"

The group laughed at Harley, who just spilled some red wine over her borrowed dress, sending Nyssa an apologetic look. The girl waved it off, not wanting her best friend to feel sorry about a stupid stain when she had other things to worry and think about.

Harley looked around the table as everyone seemed to have their own conversation. Daniel and Nyssa were seated together, the scenery in front of her making Harley want to cry. She was so happy her best friends were in love and she was able to see it from miles away, the way they were looking at each other with love-filled eyes made her heart grow fonder.

But at the same time, Harley also felt incredibly sad. She knew that Jack once used to look at her with the same look in his eyes, a constant smile dancing on his face whenever he was close to her. He always made sure to let her know he was right next to her whenever she needed him. He did this by placing his hand on the small of her back when they were walking, or he'd slip his hand into hers and tangle their fingers together. When they were seated, his warm hand would be placed onto her thigh or knee or an arm would be draped around her shoulders. It made her feel safe and secure, and to not feel her heart flutter at his touch made her feel broken and sad.

Zach was seated next to Daniel and was in a conversation with Corbyn, who was on Zach's other side. The two guys were looking at the blonde waitress passing by and discussing who would get her number first. Harley smiled to herself, knowing that all of these doofs sitting at the table with her had been such a good support to her these past few weeks and she couldn't have asked for better friends.

Her phone vibrated on the table, indicating she received a text. Zach's name popped up on the notification screen and she swiped her thumb over the screen to see what he sent her.

𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱?

Harley looked up from her phone to meet Zach's curious gaze, his eyebrows raised as he looked at her. She softly smiled and nodded her head, silently thanking him for making sure she was okay. It meant a lot to her because Zach was extremely close with Jack. Zach would come over to their house quite often to hang out with the couple, and the fact that he cared so much for her lightly made her tear up.

"Everyone coming to my place for some drinks?" Corbyn spoke up while he folded up a small paper and stuffed it into the pocket of his jeans, it now being clear to Harley that when she was communicating with Zach, Corbyn took his chance to hit on the waitress and get her number. It caused Harley to chuckle, shaking her head at how flirtatious he was sometimes.

Her friends were all enthousiastic about Corbyn's offer, and when Harley herself didn't answer him right away, the other three looked at her. They didn't want to pressure her into spending her time with them when they knew how sad she could still be, wanting her own space, but also not wanting her to feel left out. The past few times, Harley always declined politely. But tonight she actually felt okay enough to be around a group and finally let loose a bit.

"Stop looking at me like that!" She laughed, "Count me in. Just keep an eye on me to make sure I don't spill any more wine onto this dress."


INTRODUCING MY BABY daniseaveys / TaurusLeBlanc
So here i am, making your wish come true like the good friend i am 😌

OK BYE ILY STAY SAFE AND MAKE SURE YOU DANCE TO YOUR FAVORITE SONG TODAY (or cry, whatever you prefer, but remember ily!!)

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