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chapter nine

"Oh my God," Harley breathed as she stepped out of the car once Jack parked it on top of the hill, their parking spot making it easy for them to look out over the beach.

The sky had turned from a mixture of pink and orange to a darker shade of orange as the waves rolled onto the shore. It was always a breathtaking view. No matter how many times Harley had been here, she was always stunned by how beautiful nature could be.

"I chose the perfect setting for a date, huh?" Jack chuckled as he came to stand beside her, pulling the hood of his hoodie over his head. "It's so perfect."

Harley chuckled and nodded, taking in the view as she knew the sky could change colors in just a few seconds. She let out a content sigh, the slight breeze blowing her wavy strands out of her face as she thought of how happy she was at this right exact moment.

She hadn't been here in so long, and the fact that she was currently here with Jack made it all so much better. The fact that he remembered she loved the beach was something that made her heart flutter, and it brought her back to their very first date too.

It was at this exact beach where they kissed for the first time when the sun set, and Harley had asked herself if she wasn't moving too fast when she realized how much she felt for Jack already - even if it was just their first date. She felt comfortable with him and the way he looked at her with caring eyes made her feel safe.

Harley felt a blush rise up to her cheeks and it made her realize that she always had feelings for Jack. He was making her weak in the knees ever since they first met at Jonah's pool party, and nothing had ever changed.

When all of these thoughts made her realize that she was still head over heels for Jack, a shiver ran up and down her spine and goosebumps arise onto her arms. She turned her head sideways to take a look at him, only to see his eyes were already set on her.

Harley sent him a soft smile and reached out to him to take ahold of his right hand. The gesture took Jack by surprise, but he was quick to feel at ease with her action. He tangled their fingers together quickly, giving her hand a squeeze before speaking up, "Let's get down there, I've got something to show you."

Jack pulled her along with him as they walked down the hill, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as the nerves creeped up on him with every step they took. The habit brought him back to when he had called her after their fight and when he was done with the days of not talking to her, and he immediately released the skin because there was no reason for him to be anxious. Not anymore.

He stopped in his tracks when they nearly reached the place he had set up a nice and cute surprise for her to show her how much she actually meant to him. Harley slightly bumped into him when he stopped, her eyebrows raised and a curious look on her face when she looked at him.

"Okay so," Jack started, taking her other hand as well, "I want you to close your eyes until I tell you you can open them."

"You're not going to run away and leave me alone right?" She chuckled, feeling how Jack moved behind her, placing an arm around her waist while he led her down the beach, looking at her often to make sure she wouldn't peek.

Jack laughed, "Of course not, weirdo," He told her as he shook his head. A grin danced upon his lips as he looked at her, taking a deep breath before he told her she could open her eyes.

And so, she did. She did not expect to see a whole set up on the sand just a feet away from where he led her previously. There was a sprawled out blanket with tea lights refraining it from flying up because of the beachy breeze. Jack had lit the candles, a picknick basket placed on top of the black blanket with a bottle of wine sticking out and two wine glasses on the side.

Harley was starstruck at what he had put together, a hand covering her mouth as Jack chuckled and grabbed her hand to make her sit down with him. He knew she was too surprised to actually form a coherent sentence, so he took it to himself to speak up.

"So uh- I just wanted to take you here," He started after he cleared his throat, "To tell you that I'm gonna keep apologizing for what I did, because I know how much it hurt you when we argued in front of our friends. I know you felt like I embarrassed you and didn't think about your feelings back then."

Harley had crossed her legs when Jack spoke up, so she was able to scoot over to him just a bit more. She nodded at his last sentence, placing a hand on his to tell him she wasn't going to cut him off and let him speak his mind.

He took a quick look at their hands before he twisted his, palm now placed against hers so he was able to, once again, tangle their fingers together.

"I'll keep apologizing forever if it means that you'll know how fucking sorry I am for doing that to you," He told her sincerely, "But like- I was telling you why I took you here- that's uh-" Jack reached his free hand back to scratch his neck out of nervousness, "Because this beach made me realize I don't ever want to spend my life with someone else. It was from our first date that I knew I wanted you in my life as close as possible."

Harley couldn't resist smiling anymore, her cheeks hurting from his adorable and genuine words. Jack looked at her with a funny grin, "Does that smile mean you're happy I brought you here?"

The brunette laughed and nodded her head immediately, "Yeah, of course I am happy Jack," She answered him, "In case you forgot, you brought me happiness since that first date so-"

"Is this Harley White being sentimental?" Jack asked her, a faked shocked look on his face, "Who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?"

Harley laughed and shoved his shoulder harshly, "You're fucking annoying," She told him, the playfulness clear in her soft voice.

She looked up to meet his honey colored eyes when their laughter died down, "I do have to say, you're really doing your best," She pointed out, fishing a strawberry from the plastic cup Jack handed to her, "And it's kinda working."

Jack felt himself smile at her words, "Even if you were in the verge of killing me, taking you to the beach would calm your angry ass down."

Harley chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, "You're the only person I ever come here with," She admitted, "It just became our spot, y'know?"


and just imagine jack doing this for someone bc i know HE FUCKING WOULD, everyone deserves a jack am i right


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