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chapter ten

The sun was traded for the stars and the moon while Harley and Jack had spent their night on the beach. Harley enjoyed the fact that her boyfriend had brought all of her favorite snacks and drinks and knew how she loved to have long and deep conversations while consuming some rose wine and eating some cheese.

The couple was currently on their way back to downtown Los Angeles. Harley was softly mumbling along with one of her favorite songs as she looked out of the window, watching all the cars pass them by. Jack felt his gaze shifting from the road ahead of him to Harley every once in a while, and he smiled to himself once he noticed the excited look on her face when the next song came on shuffle mode. It was one of her favorites as well, The Weeknd being an artist she listened to nearly every day.

Jack had found himself smiling brightly ever since he had picked her up, and it made everything so clear. The love-hate relationship she had with the breeze, loving how it made her calm down but hating the fact how her hair always stuck to her lip gloss. Her laugh ringing through the air when Jack showed her a meme or asked her a weird question, making him realize how much he missed the sound whenever she wasn't at home with him. He just missed everything about her, and to spend time with her was all Jack ever needed.

His hand automatically found its way back to her thigh like it had been before, but this time he wasn't hesitant about it. Jack knew they were both comfortable with small touches like these, and his feelings were confirmed when he felt a smaller hand cup his own. Harley's gaze fell back to Jack's, blue curious eyes looking back at him. "So, what's on the planning, Mr. loverboy?"

He chuckled and kept his eyes on the road after he turned his head back again, turning the wheel before they drove down a familiar street. It was their own street, and soon enough Jack stopped the vehicle in their driveway. The couple didn't exit the car immediately, but sat there in a comfortable silence.

Harley let out a content sigh, her fingers toying with the silver and cold rings on Jack's hand that was still resting onto her thigh. "Thank you for today," She spoke up in a small voice, darting his gaze up from where she was looking at their tangled hands, "It means a lot to see you try so much."

Jack smiled back at her as he rested his head against the chair, admiring the way she looked in the dimmed lights of the lights at their front door. "You asked me to show you how much I care," He told her, "And the only way to show you is to bring you back to the place where I realized how much I actually love you."

Jack's voice was vulnerable and quiet, although he never broke eye contact when he told her his genuine feelings. "And I hope I made it clear how sorry I feel for what I did. I shouldn't have done it and-"

He stopped talking when Harley leaned forward and shook her hand, placing her free hand onto his cheek. Jack hoped the heat of his blushing cheeks didn't radiate onto her, but she seemed fine with it when her thumb brushed the slight stubble he had going on. Jack didn't exactly know when they had gotten so close, but when her nose slightly bumped into his he was brought back into reality.

"Thank you," She breathed, her voice coming out as a whisper before she softly pressed her lips against Jack's in a simple but love-filled kiss. It took them both by surprise, and when she pulled back to look at him, Jack was still kind of starstruck with what just happened. That didn't mean he was going to let this moment slip, and he took it to himself to cup her cheeks to bring her in for another kiss.

Harley felt herself smile against his lips, wrapping her hands around his wrists to keep them in place and tell him she wanted Jack as close as possible. "I forgot how much I enjoyed you saying thank you," He spoke up with a breathy chuckle, forehead resting against hers. Harley chuckled and squeezed his cheeks together before she stuck out her tongue. "Anyways, I still have something else planned though."

Harley unlocked the front door of their house and found the hallway pitch black, which was weird to her. Normally, there would always be a small light in the corner of the hallway, but it was turned off. Jack slipped beside her before taking her hands in his and leading her to the staircase after they turned the corner, Harley's mouth slightly falling agape at what the scenery in front of her looked like.

On the black steps of the stairs were lit tea lights leading up to the second floor, causing the pitch black hallway to light up with dimmed lighting. Harley looked at Jack, who was standing right next to her with a smug smirk on his face. The brunette let out a chuckle as she walked the stairs with Jack closely following behind. "Jack, what's all of this?"

The young adolescent didn't say anything back as they walked upstairs, taking charge as he lead her to the bathroom. Harley's face fell into a confused look before Jack opened the door that blocked her view, an unbelievable chuckle falling from her lips as she looked at another stunning view. Jack had filled the bath tub, the scent of her vanilla oil clear. Like on the staircase, there were tea lights placed around the tub- the small lit candles being the only light inside of the room.

"Oh no- shut up," She breathed, her hand covering her mouth as she took in the scene in front of her, "What did I do to deserve you, Avery?"

Jack chuckled as he leaned against the door frame, watching his girlfriend take in the last surprise of the night. "I ask myself the same every single day, baby."


THIS IS A SHORT CHAPTER IM SORRY BUT THEY KISSED!! LIKE- not fully but ya know what I mean (and that's gonna happen soon too dontcha worry hehe)


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