The Plan

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       Bill had a simple plan. When the spot got to its weakest, he would tear his way through. In human time he would have about 30 minutes to find a 12 year old girl to send to Gravity Falls. His luck had to be unbelievable to pull this off.  For him, this was his lucky day. There was a boat sailing by right when he appeared. He went to go to it and there was a pretty blonde 12 year old girl sleeping along with lots of other kids. He then went into her dream and told her he knew all of the answers. He asked her if there was something that she desired more than anything in the universe. She said that she wanted a family to be with since the boat that she was on was taking her to yet another orphanage. She asked him if he could find her a family. He then said that he had an offer for her. He said that if he found her a family, she would have to give up all of her past memories from her whole entire life. She thought about it for a minute mumbling to herself. Bill said his classic line about not having tons of time, and she shook his hand. The deal was sealed. She said," I never got your name." As they were shaking hands he said," Hi kid! I am Bill Cipher, your father." He then gave her the power to go to the mindscape. Since she already had the power of being real, she could be in both places. His plan worked and Gravity Falls was going to see his revenge. 


          Hello my Kats! I hope you are having a great day! I just wanted to say that I noticed how many people are reading this chapter and this chapter alone. If you read this and like it, I can guarantee that you will like the other chapters. ( Well more of 85% of people will like the other chapters ) Anyway, enjoy your day and byeeeee!

- Kattins_Lover

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