Breakfast and Hard Questions

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       HARPER'S POV:

                 As my eyes fluttered open, I seemed to be cuddling something blue. For a moment I thought it was Dipper and slightly squealed. But, it turned out to be a pile of blue pillows with a yellow sticky note on top. I started to blush as I read the note. It said...


Hi! I hope you enjoyed the movie night... I had fun watching Ducktective.  I am probably making breakfast as you sleep. Or, wake up because you can't be asleep reading this. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy Stan-Cakes!  

                               Can't wait to see you at breakfast,


      I kinda enjoyed reading his message. Also I wonder what happened when I fell asleep. I feel kinda bad. Good he replaced himself with a pillow.  I brushed these thoughts and questions out of my brain and decided to go to the kitchen.  As I was headed there I saw Mabel upstairs and she had plastered a goofy smile on her face. My first thought was 'oh no' but she just stayed put. Knowing Mabel, I knew something was up. I just decided to ignore her and keep walking. As I was almost at the kitchen Dipper glanced over and said," Hey, hope you're hungry!" I started to say," Hey-" But I was quickly pulled up the stairs by Mabel. I tolerated it knowing it would be useless to fight her. She pulled me into the twins room and then onto her bed and whisper yelled," OMG, OMG, O M G!!!" I was so confused. I whispered," What?" She looked at me with the most skeptical face when she said," Do you not see that my brother TOTALLY like- likes you!" My internal organs screamed and my heart was dancing. But I remembered my mission so I simply replied with," So?" She look so excited when she said," So, you two should hang out!" My body sat frozen for a second as I was thinking ' I can't let this get in the way' 'You have a mission' 'Toughen up' 

      Suddenly I had a flash back of my dad saying," Harper, I know we have been an all fun and games family, but you CAN'T mess this up!" I remember being so scared at that moment. Then he just said kindly with a creepy tone," Ok?" I just replied," I will not let you down father." He said," Good. Or you will be in big trouble young lady." *End of flashback* I got out of my mind and finally became aware of my surroundings again when Mabel was repeatedly saying," Harper, Harper, Harper, Harp-" When I interupted her with," I'm here, I'm here." She then said," Good, you zoned out for a minute." I simply replied with," Oh, sorry." Not wanting her to know about my dad. She said," So, want to hang out with my bro-bro?" I said as calmly as possible," Sure." She replied by fangirl screaming. 

DIPPER'S POV:  *During that conversation* 

I saw Mabel take Harper up to our room and I freaked out. I knew it had to do with me and the first thing that came to my mind was something that she couldn't know. Mabel by know realized that I like-liked her. Oh no. My gosh. Ok. I'm going to go out of the Mystery Shack. Hold on. Ok so I finished her Stan-cakes, and I am going to leave a note. Write, write, write, write, and done! Oh no I hear footsteps. She's coming down the stairs. Ok time to go sorry Harper. She obviously doesn't feel the same. Ok and we're out of the shack. Ok now run. 

Harper's POV: 

When I came down the stairs I heard footsteps. It was most likely Dipper and he was running. Oh no. I scrambled down the last few steps and I saw "Stan-cakes" on the table with another note. Does he write notes often? Not important. Let's read. 

Dear Harper,

       Hi. I'm so sorry to leave before breakfast but an important mystery hunt came up. I hope you enjoy the Stan-cakes.

                                                                     See you later,      Dipper

Huh. I wonder where he went. Mabel might know. Well first I'll eat the Stan-cakes. Wait. Was Dipper scared to see me. Why? Did I do something wrong? Probably the movie night when we fell asleep. I probably freaked him out with my snoring and possible hugs. I need to start on my mission. My dad is probably waiting for me. Well more importantly, I should find Dipper and apologize. Yeah. Ok. First get Dipper, then dad. 


Hi my Kats! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while. I hope you enjoy the chapter! The next one will be more interesting I promise! 

- Kattins_Lover

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