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       MABEL'S POV:

       As she was helping the girl walk up the stairs as fast as she could go, she was thinking about her. She had a feeling that this girl was the one for him. He didn't know it yet but once she cleaned her up and made her look pretty, he would surly fall for her. * Match Made * She then helped her to the bathroom. She didn't think that she could stand for the shower, so she started the bath. She noticed that after a few minutes the girl could already stand up on her own. But she already filled up the bath for her, so she would still use that. She gave her a towel, and left her to clean up. 

> After The Bath <

       The girl got changed into the pajamas that Mabel gave her. Mabel then came in and helped brush her hair. She decided to ask her," Hey, I never got your name." The girl then said," Oh right! It's Harper! Also, thank you for letting me take a bath. It was very quiet and nice. It was calming to be alone." Then Mabel got exited when she said," Then you would love a spa day with me! I can tell we are going to be good friends!" "Me too!" said Harper excitedly.


        I was setting up for the movie with things like popcorn and blankets. I figured that Mabel would be joining us since she was so exited about our "Date".  I am getting the butter melted for popcorn when I hear footsteps. I look over to see Mabel coming down the stairs. She then says," I'm proud to present... Harper!" He couldn't believe it. She looked beautiful for pajamas of course. She had a hot pink pajama shirt on with the word glitter spelled in caps on it. Then she had white pajama pants on with the word glitter spelled on the left side, again in caps. Lastly, she had nicely brushed and wavy, yellow blonde hair.  She looked at him concerned and said," Does it look bad?" He noticed that his mouth was dropped open. "Sorry, you look great!" he said still in amazement. He just played back that whole seen in his mind. He then said," Wait it's Harper right?" She said," Yeah that's my name." She slightly giggled. He then said," Ok Harper, prepare to have a classic... Movie Night!" She then jumped up and down and said," Yay! I have never had a movie night before!" 


       After that conversation between her and Dipper, they went to go get seated. Mabel said that there wasn't enough room for her on the classic yellow chair in the living room. Even though there was, I just went with it. Mabel set up a huge pile of blankets on the floor and got settled. I had to sit next to Dipper. So we tried to put as much space between each other as possible. It was pretty awkward. He then broke the silence when he said," Want t-to share a b-blanket?" I sat there realizing that I was blushing a little. I then said," S-sure..." He then tossed me half of the blanket and we were trying to figure out how to share it. Mabel sat there with a HUGE smile on her face. Dipper looked at her with such a mad face it was crazy. But, that didn't take away Mabel's smile. After a few seconds, I decided to break their staring contest by saying," Let's turn on Ducktecive! It can't be a movie night without Ducktective!" 

       Right before we started the movie, we tried to figure out how to share the blanket. It was extra awkward. We didn't want to steal it from one another, but we both wanted our share of the blanket. After about 30 seconds of pure awkwardness, we finally got it figured out. Mabel was NOT satisfied. She had a huge frown on her face. So to TRY to make things more interesting, she sat right next to me, squishing Dipper and I together. THAT was the most awkward thing that has ever happened to me. At least I thinks so. ( I can't remember past 12 ) 


          Hi everyone who reads this book! ( Probably like 3 people ) I hope you are having a great day! Please stay positive and keep reading! I promise there will be more exciting chapters soon! Also, to know who is really reading, can you please comment something? It can be a question, comment, or pretty much anything about the book! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, my Kats! 

       - Kattins_Lover

The Daughter of Bill CipherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora