Chapter 24

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I walked around with Keith and Zaila, asking them about my childhood. I left Akira at the house since he was sleeping.

Keith and Zaila told me bits and parts about my childhood. Each one was a good memory. There seemed to be nothing bad about that life.

We moved on to more complicated matters and family tree stuff. I learned more about my family than I actually ever knew before.

We talked for hours before I had to go home. It was getting late and everything seemed okay.

But it wasn't. The next day, tragic stuff that even I could never imagine happened.

**The Next Day**

(Keith's POV)

I walking around remembering what I talked about with Noir. Things were still a little blurry.

We talked about a lot of stuff but the things we talked about were sweet and pure memories.

It rememinded me of when he was little. He would always run around trying to find me and Zaila. He was our precious little cousin.

But times changed. He got sent here with Maria and only his memories were erased. It must hurt not knowing what happened when he was a child.

"I should get home soon. Zaila must be worried since I've been out all night." I started to walk home when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.

Must have been my imagination. I continued walking when all of a sudden I felt something slash across my back.

Before I knew what was happening I fell to the ground as the blood spilled from my back. My vision started going blurry and soon everything went black.

(Unknown POV)

I was walking in the forest when I heard a loud thud and a small scream. Curious I followed where the sound came from and saw a boy laying there.

Blood was coming out of his back as I checked the wound. "This is bad. He's loosing a lot of blood."

I checked his pulse but felt nothing indicating he just died since his body was still warm.

I picked him up and carried him back to my house putting him in a room. I checked his belongings and saw a girl. I looked on the back of the photo and saw names. Keith and Zaila.

I walked out of my house and started searching for a girl named Zaila.


(Zaila's POV)

I went out of my house looking for Keith since he wasn't home yet. I was really worried since he's never done this before.

"Where is he?" I growled to myself.

I walked down alleyways, streets, even behind schools but I still couldn't find him. This was the first time I've ever been this worried about him.

"Dammit Keith. Where are you?" I continued walking but stopped. I got out a piece of paper and a pen.

I wrote on the paper but after I was finished I felt cuts along my shoulders. I looked at them and saw blood dripping down them.

I was about to freak out when something stabbed me from behind. I collapsed to the ground as the knife was pulled from my back.

I could see red turn to crimson. Light slowly turned to darkness. Still holding the note everything disappeared in an instant.

(Unknown POV)

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