Chapter 18

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(Unknown POV)

Maria. Maria. I read the directions to the house. I started up at it and smiled. This is it.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

No reply.

I knocked again.

No reply.

I cleared my throte and shouted her name with Noir's voice as best as I could. "MARIA!" Well that must have worked since I heard shuffling inside the house.

Then she spoke. "Noir what are you doing here? If dad catches you here he'll..." Her eyes widened as she saw me. "Who are...mmmphh."

Before she could say anything more I grabbed her and shoved her in the trunk of my car.

"One down." I giggled at the thought. "He better get Noir soon so we can go."

I got in my car and drove away from the house.


(Noir's POV)

I sat in my seat quietly looking at everybody. I saw the new boy and got curious.

He hasn't introduced himself yet. I stared at him but my thoughts were interrupted when Lilly covered my eyes.

"Guess who." She said quietly.

"Lilly stop putting you hands over my eyes." She giggled and stepped back.

"Shouldn't do that if you want to live Lilly."

I looked over and Zain waved. He came over and smiled. I instictivly backed up a bit.

"Don't worry. Im not going to do anything to you." He laughed as he came over.

"Yeah, if you do I'll have no choice but to kill you." Lilly smiled and Zain backed away from her a little.

"Don't tease him." I looked at her seriously and she sighed.


She pouted but then went back to her usual cheery self. Honestly, it was tiring. I swear you have to babysit her wherever she goes.

I sighed and looked at my desk. "What's bothering you?" I looked at Zain and he was smiling down at me.

"Nothing really. Just have this strange feeling." Zain's face change when I said that.

"What type of feeling." He looked serious.

"Like I'm being watched or followed. And I'm worried about her." I spoke quietly so only Zain could hear me.

"Who is this her?" He gave me a questioning look. I lowered my eyes. "Are you cheating on Akira with a girl?" His eyes went wide with surprise.

"Of course not! I would never do that! The girl I'm talking about little sister."

"Eh? You have a sister?"

"Yeah. Her name is Maria."

"Why are you worried about her?"

"I just have a feeling like something is going to happen soon." I casted my eyes downward.

Maria. Your alright, right? I put my hands in my jacket pockets and kept them there. I layed my head on my binder and closed my eyes.

Akira wasn't coming to school today since he was sick so I left him at the house with medicine. Why do I feel so lonely now?

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