Chapter 8

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I was finally released from the hospital and back at school now. To make up for all the work and tests I missed I had to stay after school every single day.

The first week of staying after school was to review. Studying is a bitch. I looked around the room and only two others beside me, were staying.

Hmm strange. I don't remember them. One of them looked at me. She smiled and waved. Huh? I gave her a cofused look and she just giggled.

The other one tried to avoid eye contact with us. He doesn't talk, does he? Still who are they? Did they possibly transfer while I was in the hospital?

I reviewed over my notes trying constantly to not look at the girl who kept staring at me.

"So are you a new boy or something?"

"Huh? Uwaaa!" I fell backwards after seeing the girls face right in front of mine. She laughed and fell on the ground.

"Haha oh my gosh! That was absolutely priceless!"


"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Mira, and you?"

"I'm Noir." I replied shyly.

"Nice to meet you. So to answer my question, are you new?"

"Ah no. I actually just got back from the hospital after passing out in class."

"Oh. That must have sucked." I nodded and she smiled.

"Well I'm new. Zain and I just transfered here two days ago."


She pointed to the boy who ignored us the whole time.

"He doesn't talk much but that's okay." She smiled and laughed a little.

"Do you know him?"

"He's my brother."

"Ah I see."

We both looked back at him curiously. I could tell he could feel our eyes on him since he was twitching a little bit

"Hey wanna go talk to him?" Mira sounded mischievous.

"Sure." I replied still unsure of what to do.

We both thought of a plan. I would suddenly be behind him and Mira would hide and when he looked at me she'd pop up behind him.

"Hello new boy." I said quite calmly.

"Uwaaa!" He turned around and looked at me standing there. "You scared me!"

"Hehe he's a natural." Mira was behind him now which made him fall out of his chair in fright. He was clutching his chest as if to say 'you scared the shit out of me'.

We both laughed a bit as his cheeks caught a tinge of red on them. "Sorry." I apologize and held out my hand. He took it and I helped him up.

"You okay?" He nodded and looked down.

"I was just...surprised, that's all."

I patted him on the back. "Well its not like you'll get used to people suddenly popping up behind you." I smiled slightly and he nodded a tiny bit.

"Onii-chan, good luck tomorrow."


"Wait, what? What's going on tomorrow?" I looked at them confused while both of them laughed after seeing my expression.

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