Chapter 4

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It was finally the weekend and yet I have to do shopping. Boring right. "Green Beans." I cringed at the mention of green beans. I absolutely despise them, yuck.

Whatever. Just have to get this shopping over so I can sleep. I walked down multiple isles and grabbed multiple ingredients. Ugh I want to go home.

I finally finished at the grocery store, now its the clothes store...fuck. I walked to the clothes store and entered.

Not too many people. Thank god. I walked down the girls section and looked at all the clothes. I found what I needed and right when I was about to pay for it, I heard a familiar voice.

"What's up Noir." I turned around and sure enough Akira was there.

"Akira. Why are you here?"

"Just need some new clothes."

"Ah I see."

"Noir, are those girl clothes?"

"Umm yeah my mom asked me to get them for her."

"Really? Your mom must be really nice to trust her son in the girls section."

"Shut up." I blushed dark crimson and turned away. He laughed slightly and patted my head.

"Well since we met each other here, want to shop together?"

"Sure. If you don't make fun of me."


We both walked to many different stores and bought so much stuff. I hate shopping. I cringed as we walked into another girly store. Akira just followed me laughing the whole time.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone and fell backwards. Thankfully, Akira caught me before I fell completely.

"S..sorry." I said as Akira helped me stand up. "No. I'm sorry for knocking you backwards."


"Hmm what is it?"

"Dad?" My eyes widened as I saw my real father. My mom divorced him because of the way he treated us.

"Noir? Is that you?" My dad stared at me wide eyed the he smiled. "It is you." He hugged me and I started to struggle to get away.

"Let go of me!"

"Why? You are my son after all." Akira just stood there looking confused. Wow, what help you are.

"Your not my dad! Now let go!" I pushed the man off of me and ran over to Akira, hiding behind him.


"Your not allowed to touch me or get anywhere near me! You know what's on that contract."

"But Noir...I..."

"I don't want to hear it! I hate you! If you come anywhere near me again I'll have my mom send you to court." After that I ran away and Akira had to follow me.

I ran so fast that I didn't even know where I was going. Tears streamed down my face as I sat in an ally way and brought my knees to my chest.

I didn't know if Akira was able to catch up or not. All I know is that I didn't want to be with that man any longer.

"Noir? What's wrong? What happened back there?" Akira found me and crouched down next to me.

"I hate my real dad. He tried to kill me and mom once. He also beat us up all the time." I cried softly as Akira hugged me.

The tears stained his shirt, but he didn't seem to mind. He held me very gently in his arms until I calmed down.

"Its okay. I won't let him come near you ever again okay." I nodded with my head still against his chest.

My eyelids suddenly became heavy and I couldn't keep them open anymore as I drifted into sleep.

(Akira's POV)

I watched as Noir closed his eyes and fall asleep against my chest. He's soo cute. Dammit, why does he have to be so cute?

His blondish/brownish hair fell over his eyes and his breathing tickled my arm. I held him quietly making sure no one would see us.

As time went by it got dark. I shook Noir trying to wake him up but he just snuggled farther into my chest.

Since he wasn't waking up I decided to just carry him home since we do live at the same house.

As soon as I got to the house I opened the door quietly and thank god they were all sleeping. I first set Noir in his room then I put the groceries away. In all honesty carrying a highschool boy and bags is really hard.

I changed into my dog form and jumped on the bed and fell asleep next to Noir.

[Hey guys! I know I'm updating this book a lot but these ideas just come and I have to write them or I'll forget. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you have ideas for this book or my others please tell me. Stay Awesome!


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