Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes and realized that I fell asleep. "Oh I fell asleep." I sat up and looked at the clock. "Only four o'clock." I sighed and layed back on my bed.

"Why can't I sleep anymore?" I looked in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were never this noticeable. My complexion was pale and I looked lifeless.

"I need sleep but, I can't seem to fall asleep." I tossed and turned but I still couldn't get to sleep. I groaned and sat up up. "This isn't working."

I stayed up the rest of the night until it was finally morning. I got dressed and left to  go to school. How many times has it been now since I started going to school early?

I sighed and walked through the school gates. I walked in my classroom and sat in my desk. "I feel awful." I whispered to myself.

"Noir!" A voice rang out and I looked to see who it was. "Mira." She ran up and gave me a hug. Zain walked up behind her and smiled.

His smile faded when he saw how bad I looked. "Hey are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just lack of sleep." He looked worried but said "okay" anyways.

During class I layed my head Dow and tried to sleep but I couldn't. "Noir." I looked at the teacher and he said if I didn't pay attention I would fail.

Mira stared straight at me but I was too busy trying to fall asleep. "Um sensei, Noir doesn't look to good." She had a worried look on her face and the teacher looked at me.

"I'm fine."

"But you have bags under your eyes and.your really pale."

"She's right you know." Akira looked worried as he said that.

"I said I'm fine!" They both jumped as I used a harsh tone.


"I'm not going to say it again. I'm fine!" I cut him off and glared at them.

They both looked worried as I ignored them. I looked out the window and watched the birds fly. Pretty. The formations they made were absolutely beautiful.

One of the birds came flying in our direction. Then all of a sudden it hit the window, pretty hard if I might add, and died. It surprised me so much I fell out of the chair. My heart was racing and I couldn't thing of anything else.

"Are you okay Noir?" I looked up and Zain was right next to me. I nodded and tried to get up but instead I fell right back down.

"Need help?" I nodded and he helped me into my seat. "Thanks Zain." He nodded and smiled. "When have you two been so close?" Lilly looked at us curiously. "We have tutoring after school together."

"Eh! Lucky." She pouted and Zain just giggled lightly. I looked toward the front and saw Akira glaring at him. Why does he glare at people who are my friends?

Zain ruffled my hair and walked back to his seat. Then Akira really glared. Of course Zain was too oblivious to know it. I sighed and looked down. I need sleep. I'm tired, its just that, my body doesn't want to sleep.

When I collapsed and didn't wake up for two days, did it affect me that bad? I was trying to concentrate but failed miserably. It felt like my head was splitting apart. It hurts.

The bell rang and it was break time.

"Onii-chan are you okay?" Mira was right next to me and I nodded. "I'm fine."

"But you don't seem well."

"Onii-chan?" Lilly was right behind her confused.

"That's right. Noir is our Onii-chan." Mira smiled and Zain walked up.

Lilly was so confused that she couldn't stand to listen anymore. I got up and started walking out of the classroom.

"Noir? Where are you going?" Zain looked worried.

"The nurse."

"Eh are you sure your okay?" Mira came up to me and felt my forehead.

"I'm fine. I just need my normal medication."


I walked out of the classroom to the nurses office. When I walked in she wasn't there so I just grabbed my medication and took it. Since she trusted me to take my own medication, I was allowed to grab it whenever I needed it.

I went to the little beds in the back and layed down. I tried to fall asleep once again but still couldn't do it.

The nurse came in and saw me in the back laying down. "Are you not feeling well?" I turned to look at her and nodded slightly.

"You look awful! Have you been getting sleep? There are really bad bags under your eyes." She looked really worried and I knew I couldn't lie to her.

"I actually haven't been able to go to sleep. I don't understand. I'm tired but I can't sleep."

"You poor child. Try to go to sleep. If you can't in ten minutes I'll give you some sleep medication okay?" I nodded and she smiled.

I turned back over on my side and closed my eyes. I opened them and groaned. One minute. I was asleep for one minute.

"Noir, take this." She gave me sleep medication and I took it. I closed my eyes again and the scene I saw before me terrified me.

[Hey guys! So I realized that I have been updating this book a lot and I just want to say…its not my fault. I have these ideas and if I don't write it I will completely forget it. I really hope you like this chapter. If you have ideas for this book or my other ones please tell me. Stay Awesome!


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