Frustrating Uncertainty

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Wang He Di had been out of it for the past week and doing everything on autopilot. He had been blindsided by his management confirming a "relationship" with Jing Wen. Then he felt like a complete asshole for what he said to Yue. He let his emotions get the better of him the last time they had spoken. He really wanted to see her, so he could apologize and let her know that what he said to her was a lie out of anger.

He had been gathering courage and the words to say to her, when the pictures of her and Xiong Ziqi kissing were plastered all over Weibo. When he saw those pictures he felt like he was punched in the gut and was more confused than ever with his feeling and situation with Yue. Those pictures left him uneasy and questioningly his relationship with her. He decided to stay off Weibo to avoid seeing any more pictures of them or if they had confirm their relationship.

Wang He Di had decided to spend his only day off at home resting and deciding wether or not he should forget about Yue and move on or just go to her place and beg for her forgiveness. It was the first time in his life that he was so unsure of himself and what to do and it was driving him crazy. He was about to head to the bathroom when his doorbell rang.

Annoyed he asked himself "Who the hell can that be?"

He asked who it was and heard Wu Xize yell back at him to open the door.

"Bro, what the hell is wrong with you. I've been calling you for an hour, did you lose your phone?"

"No, it's off. It's my day off any I wanted to be left alone."

Wu Xize looked at Wang He Di and knew exactly why he had turned off his phone and why he wanted to be left alone. "Are you sulking because you saw Yue with someone else?"

"I am not sulking. I'm just tired. Bro I'm really.."

Wu Xize had grabbed one of the pillows off the couch and threw it directly onto Wang He Di's face.

"What the fuck was that for?!"

"Well if you weren't sulking all day and had your phone on, you would have seen the statement both Yue and Xiong Ziqi's managements released. They denied that they are in a relationship and their management team is suing the person that took those pics for spreading false rumors."

Wang He Di stared at Wu Xize in disbelief and went to grab his phone from his room. Once he turned his phone on, he went straight to Yue's Weibo and true to Wu Xize's words there was a release note from her management that she reblogged, denying a relationship between both actors. 

He walked back over to Wu Xize and felt more confused than ever about his situation with Yue. He felt both relieved that she was not dating Xiong Ziqi but at the same time he felt like a complete asshole for the way he had acted and said to her, the last time they had seen each other. She had every right to decided who she wanted to see or not see and right now he knew that he was the last person on earth that she wanted to hear from.

"Bro, are you alright? You look like your favorite team lost the championship. I thought you would be ecstatic because Yue's not seeing Xiong Ziqi."

Frustrated by everything that not only has happened with Yue but with Jing Wen, he ran his hand through his hair and sat down looking down to his own feet. "Why is everything so complicated right now. I don't know what to do Wu Xize." He looked up to look at his best friend "I am relieved that Shen Yue isn't with Xiong Ziqi but at the same time I have no right to be."

"I don't get it. I know that you like Yue and maybe even love her. This news should be good news so that you can finally clear whatever misunderstandings you two have and be together."

Wang He Di walked over to the window and looked out trying to get his thoughts in order. He crossed his arms over his chest and responded "I wish it was that simple but there is still the fact that Jing Wen and my management have confirmed a relationship, which I gave my word to her that I would not deny for a while. Then with Shen Yue, the last time we spoke it did not end well. I was horrible to her and I don't know if she can ever forgive me."

Wu Xize walked over to Wang He Di and squeezed his shoulder "I will admit that you really need to figure out that whole Jing Wen especially since you're really not dating her before you talk to Yue. I do not know what happened between you and Yue but If you were really that bad to her as you say  and you want her in your life, then you have to swallow your pride and stand in front of her and apologize. If she doesn't not accept it, give her time."

Wang He Di was grateful to have a friend like Wu Xize, who always wanted the best for him and didn't judge him for his faults but advised him so he could be a better man.

Wang He Di turned away from the window and hugged his friend, thanking him for his words. Wu Xize left and Wang He Di knew that what he had told him was true that before he could speak to Yue he had to deal with his mess with Jing Wen. 

He texted Hao Ge "Bro can you let management know that I request a meeting for tomorrow with Jing Wen and her team."

Hao Ge replied a couple of minutes later "Done. It's set up tomorrow for 10 am. I'll come and pick you up."

"Thanks Bro. See you tomorrow."

Wang He Di for the first time in months felt like he was starting to take control of his life again and decided that once things were clear with is management and Jing Wen, he would face Yue and ask for forgiveness.


Author's Note:

I did it. I posted! I've been struggling but I have not forgotten about this story :) 

Enjoy! :)

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